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Kyrian247 (784323)
Joined 2019-12-02
Bruh moment
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sad wojak templatepeter hurting his knee templatepatrick sleeping 1 panel templateGiorno Giovanna and Golden Experience Requiem templatewell maybe it is stupid but it's also dumb templatedon't me, just mining inside your discord channel template

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I Read This Completely Wrong in MEMES_OVERLOAD
0 ups, 1mo
Either you read it as “you matter don’t give up” or as “you don’t matter give up”
0 ups, 2mo
It’s possible to upvote without clicking on the post itself
Shrek being dominated in MEMES_OVERLOAD
0 ups, 4mo
left it because 1. i've been on msmg for years
2. it's slowly become more of a mess for me to be in with the constant dramas and such
bananas are art now? in MEMES_OVERLOAD
0 ups, 4mo
In fact, I could recreate it in a few seconds
bananas are art now? in MEMES_OVERLOAD
0 ups, 4mo
I don’t get what’s so expensive and art-like about it, it’s literally just a banana with tape