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Futimari (39065)
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Anatomy of a librard in politics
0 ups, 3w
No. I'm more concerned about the fact it's still legal to buy black kids and force them to nanny for you tbh.

Cuz the law only covers corporations. You can still say whatever you want. It's just not profitable for businesses to squabble over pronouns so this is the best solution. Everyone respects everyone.
Anatomy of a librard in politics
0 ups, 3w
Ok. Then why did you mention pronouns?
Anatomy of a librard in politics
0 ups, 3w
no. You brought up pronouns.
Anatomy of a librard in politics
0 ups, 3w
You're here. Mentioning trans people when they were never mentioned. Truth be told, not even trans people talk about being trans that much.

It's either an autistic special interest (which I doubt cuz you should know more about it if it is)

or you're upset at trans people.

There's no other reason to bring them up without any reference to them at all.
Anatomy of a librard in politics
0 ups, 3w
I forget the people on here actually don't go outside.