There's the abortion side of the argument and there's the Constitutional side. Roe v Wade was an unconstitutional ruling by the Court and should have been overturned decades ago.
Simply put the Supreme Court does not have the authority or right to make law. The Constitution is very clear on that. Only those who represent the people are allowed to make law. It is the job of Legislative Branch. Not the Judicial and not the Executive Branches.
In addition SCOTUS in Roe v Wade claimed they found a right to privacy (that doesn't exist in the Constitution) and then after twisting that out they twisted it even harder to say that the right to privacy allows women to murder their unborn children. If that's the case then all murder is a privacy issue. It would mean you can take any human life as long and you do it privately.
Not to mention it completely ignores the 3 basic and fundamental inalienable rights enumerated in the Declaration of Independence, that of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Also reiterated in Section I of the 14th Amendment as Life, Liberty and Property.
There is no right to take human life under any circumstances. There never has been.
But this is what happens when you put leftist judges on the Supreme Court, who although they had to study constitutional law, they despise the constitution and usurp authority that they do not have.
Overturning Roe is a good thing, not a bad thing.