Jesus warned people, especially the Pharisees, "You have your reward now." Also more dire to our human understanding is the verses that state "Vengeance belongs to God."
So why are these clearly evil people who hate God still participating in the Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide cycle? Because they are still using their rewards such as they are. . .and if they don't change and accept Jesus then He will on the appointed day take care of them. . .personally!
Ah, yes, Fallout. A game in which dems/leftist will say that prewar/pre-nuke Fallout USA is a critique against capitalism. . .even though Interplay(the original developers) AND Bethesda(current devs) have repeatedly stated it's not a critique against capitalism but critiques against monopolies and oligarchies. Dems/leftists also leave out an important thing about Fallout US; that if something bad happened in the country before the bombs fell then it was happening in just about every other country. In Fallout it wasn't the US that was a lost cause, it was the whole world.
They practically propped up (Virgin) Mary to equal status with the Godhead. Mary was a humble woman who was greatly blessed by God for her faith. They also downplayed Joseph's role big time. He had it rough big time but he still kept his faith and obeyed God.