Sad, angry little Octardia . . . what a terrible melody you sing in life.
Like I said- a legend in your own mind.
"Then prove it with facts"
I have proven it over and over and over, as have millions upon millions of others. There are plenty of facts out there, not the least of which is creation itself. You besmirch faith, yet it is a blind faith that allows you to believe we got here without God.
"I'm sorry, I was under the impression that you had actually read the Bible. Clearly you haven't, because you don't know what it says."
Oh, I know it very, very well, your futile attempts to twist it notwithstanding.
"There's a very simple way you can prove that."
You have a lot in common with one of the characters seen in the Bible:
Matthew 4:7
Jesus said to [Satan], “Again it is written, ‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.’”
Your perception that God is some sort of cosmic genie, who must dance to your tune in order to prove Himself is sad. You are like a snotty little child:
Luke 7:31-32
“To what then shall I compare the people of this generation, and what are they like?
They are like children sitting in the marketplace and calling to one another,
“‘We played the flute for you, and you did not dance;
we sang a dirge, and you did not weep.’
I, and most certainly not God, are here to dance to your tune. You are a fool, in the biblical sense, after all.
"like saying that all humans are evil and wicked."
You err, because you do not know the Scriptures. Sin is rebellion towards God, regardless of how minor it is. You fail to begin to comprehend the holiness of God, therefore you do not comprehend the seriousness of your crimes against Him.
James 2:10
For whoever keeps the whole Law but fails in one point has become guilty of all of it.
"The Bible was written by humans" who were carried along by God, Who ensured that what He wanted to have written down, was. While you think yourself superior to those who believe it to be God's Word, you are obviously anything but. I am convinced of it, after laying aside my hatred of it. You are hardly the only one in this conversation who has had these same thoughts.
"That's extremely easy to predict because it happens all the time."
Things are considerably different today than they were 2000 years ago. And why does it happen "all the time"? What is the point of modern, "advanced" man mocking something he or she doesn't believe exists? Why the continued pettiness? Your excuses are thin.