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Wubbzymon (1947336)
Joined 2020-09-28
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Worst villain and twist villain ever in fun
0 ups, 3mo
Great twist? More like BIG MISS
is it just me? in fun
0 ups, 3mo
Brings me back
It's All About The "T"... in politics
1 up, 4mo
I know, I just think they should also move up the Age of Consent to be consistent too. Because it also isn't like people under the age can't date or anything like that.
It's All About The "T"... in politics
1 up, 4mo
I get that and all, but why make the age you can have sex (with someone your age or older) lower than that to get married, is all I'm thinking.
It's All About The "T"... in politics
1 up, 4mo
I always associate it with Drew Durnil and Hearts of Iron 4