"According to an in-depth analysis (to which I contributed) by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, the undocumented population in 2022 paid almost $97 billion in taxes, with over $54 billion in payments to the federal government and more than $37 billion paid out to states and localities. Put another way, the U.S. stands to lose $8.9 billion in tax revenue for every 1 million undocumented immigrants who are sent out of this country under a program of mass deportation.
Undocumented immigrants help fund teacher salaries, road and bridge repairs and other local quality-of-life improvements. They also pay into vital programs that make up our social safety net (including Social Security, Medicare and unemployment insurance) even though they will likely never see any benefits from these programs — because, in most circumstances, they are legally prohibited from accessing them. This is in addition to being barred from important federal credits like the Earned Income Tax Credit and, in some cases, the Child Tax Credit.
At the state level, undocumented immigrants make most of their tax payments through sales and excise taxes ($15.1 billion) on everyday purchases, followed by property taxes ($10.4 billion) and personal and business income taxes ($7 billion)."