Although you may very well be telling the truth, I do not believe you had no content access online, or in school (if not home schooled), or somewhere from someone.
You did not spontaneously create the terms you used to describe yourself.
Some people are born predisposed, some are groomed into the lifestyle choice, some are abused and choose the lifestyle as a defense mechanism, some are situationally homosexual, such as inmates, and many other reasons, all choices.
It is unconscionable to argue for distributing these types of books to children that are not your own.
That is a solely parenting decision and the insiduous usurpation of parental authority must be stopped and prevented.
The book is no different than an adult that is not the child's parent whispering in the child's ear.
Many gay couple parents are against this practice.
Why do you suppose that is?
Just because a child asks a question it does not obligate an answer.
Every one of them think they will be elevated to elite status but we all know what happens to the quote "useful idiots" unquote when they have served their purpose.