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Modda (3226099)
Joined 2016-06-29
Lo the sin of hypocrisy for it is hypocrisy from whence all sin doth proceedeth. Hail GODda! Modda, Gun, & Unholy Roast!
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"Somebody get the door" in politics
0 ups, <1h
Ukraine was part of Russia prior to 1980?
But That's None Of My Business in politics
0 ups, <1h
Unleash what full power on Hamas?

Barely any movement of terrorism in the Middle East during Trump's first term?
You mean like not ISIS in Iraq and Syria, the Houthis in Yemen?

Oh, wait, my bad, you're right, there wasn't any movement of terrorism in the Middle East doing Trump because they stayed right there.
"Somebody get the door" in politics
0 ups, <1h
So is Russia. North Koreans, of all people. Weapons ........... From Iran. What next, slingshots from Mynmar?
"Somebody get the door" in politics
0 ups, <1h
Yeah, just a few dozen more North Koreans, and Russia will be stomping all over us like the original Godzilla. On the set. In a costume. Yes, the man in a foam rubber Godzilla suit, trampling all over a movie set.

That's Russia.

Troops from North Korea, arms from Iran, rusting tanks, and ships that could be sunk with a fart. That's why you don't hear about the Russia's navy's involvement. That ended long ago.

China is a danger to the region, but outside of that, not so much. And they have absolutely no need to put their neck on the block for the sake of their nemesis Russia, let alone lose their number one customer in the world who made them what they are and without whom they'd go back to what they were before Nixon.