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SSgtWaltKowalski (49793)
Joined 2023-01-13
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Gafflin Newscum The Schemin' Demon in Real_Politics
1 up, 3d
Gavin f**ked his best friend's wife when he was mayor of San Francisco. Why wouldn't he try to f**k the rest of the country?
If you're worried about the Fed workers being fired 'n laid off... in Real_Politics
2 ups, 3d
They had no problem with FJB overstepping his authority to forgive student loan money with OUR money. Hypocrites.
A strong independent woman who don't need no Cartel. in conservatives
4 ups, 1w
She's a socialist. Which is just another way of saying Communist. And communists have no loyalty to the status quo. They are all for continuous revolution. So her country's constitution means nothing to her.
Yeah Mexico, you go ahead and do that. See what it gets you in response. in Real_Politics
2 ups, 1w
That's a nice family you have there. Be a real shame if they all had *accidents*.