Good one. So go and apply for HUD, if approved you could be on a list so long you forget about needing HUD. After 4 years pass you find out about a housing voucher program that could be used towards purchasing a house. The only problem is most counties in the states do not participate in such HUD programs even though the HUD website toutes their availability.
Maybe that's all because congress members have been surgically replaced to hide the fact that they represent all the listed above and stopped representing the people they allowed stealing from, sickening and mutating the masses while they line their pockets and to companies, and foreign nationals they work for. Treasonous acts against American citizens.
I remember working for a grocery store 15 years ago. Mark up was a conservative 2.5% and management celebrated the yearly net profit of 1.5 million after all the bills were paid. Until places like the dollar tree lower their price back down, nobody will follow the lower price trend. In rural areas grocery stores have a 8x+ markup because of costs that include higher delivery, and the inability to buy bulk amounts at a lower price point. Greater chance of waste from unsold food. Consequently rural grocery stores loos business to customers who travel 40 miles to stock up, or go to dollar general instead. If the government subsidize grocery stores like they do public education, or other programs it could be more affordable, or become quickly corrupted. It a nutshell that would be communism, and I think trumps end goal is to stop tax payer communism. I also remember when Trump prevented price gouging. He also funded food pantries who were giving out a month supply of food.
I guess people are too poor to afford nice coats and winter gear, and they might be afraid that they will get stranded, left to freeze like a trump rally.... Idk... We just don't gather for politics like we use to.
Even though homeless people are suffering mainly from drug induced mental illness and nobody trusts to hire them, a facility that can humanly treat their issues, such as a asylum, which was the case pre Ronald Regan is the only option I see feasible.... I know it will toe a line, because history is a monster and can't be repeated. Doctors and governments can't go all mad scientist on them, but in all actuality in less populated cities, the homeless sometimes end up in jail anyways. So I can only see asylum a better option. Maybe they could even set up programs or businesses ran by the rehabilitated/ under treatment patients... Idk like a restaurant, art sales, landscaping... We do this for people in jail, I don't see why this country can't have a homeless program ran by the state government, with rules to follow set by the federal government. The government in general has dished millions of dollars to non profits to handle this issue who in return, don't handle the issue.