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Timmmmaaaayyyy (291573)
Joined 2019-07-17
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"Orange man bad" LOL yeah right in politics
0 ups, 7h
They legit thought she was smart. I had a Left leaning family member tell me how intelligent and well educated she is.

Maybe she is well educated and smart.

Based on how she performed in literally EVERY one of her public appearances, save the debate where she was wearing ear buds and being coached the entire time, we will never know.

Because she sounded like a complete idiot every other time.
Don't care about the Grammys in fun
0 ups, 7h
That's today? mmm-kay
2020s Financial Opportunities in Real_Politics
2 ups, 8h
Great gif, but we both know they won't pay up. They'll hit you with some more made-up 'facts' or real excuses. But they SURE won't pay up and admit they were wrong.
Vice Chair of the DNC is gonna prove he's in with the boyz in Real_Politics
1 up, 8h
during recess. πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰