Inflation coming down is good. But that's on top of Biden's already massive inflation due to his Inflation Production Act, American Rescue Plan Act, etc., etc. The spending doesn't stop with Harris and Biden.
3% inflation on top of goods and services that have gone up say... oh, let's pick a nice, realistic number like 1.4%, is not that bad. But 3% on top of a Biden inflation rate of 12% or whatever obscene number he dumped on us, is pretty bad.
That's just math, yolo. Try it for yourself! Use an item costing $100 as a starting point for the two types of inflation; Trump-style and Biden-style, and let everyone know how those numbers look after 3.5+ years of Biden running the economy into the ditch.
So you can warble on about how great you think Demented Joe Bribe'em is doing with inflation, but the numbers do not agree with you, and the people know it because they can't buy as much as they could when Trump was POTUS.
YOU may be better off than you were four years ago due to the wizardry of your portfolio, but the hard working folks in the middle class are not, and it's because of Biden's inflation.
They know it every time they sit down at the kitchen table to budget. Assuming they budget instead of just spending money they don't have like the federal govt does.