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CraigThompson (923429)
Joined 2021-01-11
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It is terrorism in politics
5 ups, 2d
Hitler's brown shirts were good guys to somebody.
More Leftist Logic in politics
0 ups, 2d
Which one are you hoping for? You've got TDS so bad, bless your heart.
Free stuff isn't free! in politics
1 up, 2d
I'm sure Tyson receives tax breaks for something stupid, but could you post something? What exactly are you talking about?
More Leftist Logic in politics
0 ups, 2d
President Trump buried the Republican Party in 2016. He buried the Democratic Party in 2025. President Trump has more power than any President since FDR. That is where we stand in history. Let's see what President Trump does with that much power. This could be the beginning of a golden age or the fall of the Republic.
More Leftist Logic in politics
0 ups, 2d
The Democratic Party is dying as we speak. Its corrupt leadership made a deal with Marxists. Now the Marxists are trying to take over what is left.