Why Florida? It's a long-time Republican run state. Invariably, if I started with New York, California, or Illinios' information you would say they're lying. And just as invariably, someone like you will say that the Red states are telling the truth.
Just like you've done. A couple of times in this thread. We've established that you think Blue States are liars and Red States are truth-tellers.
I start with Florida and link to their covid deaths and their influenza deaths. Now we have a baseline to work with. Then compare it to a state like New York. Where you find the same pattern exists. A consistent influenza rate and a sudden, explosive, massive amount of deaths to covid.
Now we have consistent information coming from a trusted source (the red state) and a untrusted source (the blue state). Two different sources are telling you the same thing.
That thing is that covid is real, and a lot of people died from it.
So, you have to make a decision. Are you going to stick with covid was a hoax, which means now you have to add every single Red State to the list of liars. OR. That you were told the truth from the beginning: covid is real and all those people died from it, and that you refused to believe it.
There you are, Bluessol. Are you going to double-down on covid being a hoax (and thus add every single red state to the list of people lying to you) OR will you abandon conspiracy theory nonsense and admit that covid is real and all those people died from it?