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flare4roach (686608)
Joined 2016-07-15
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Ode to joy in politics
4 ups, 2w
Actually made me LOL. Fantastic post!
Fanni Willis sold her soul to Soros in politics
2 ups, 4mo
Why do people like this CLEARLY get away with corruption?
Paging Mrs. Bondi!
An even worse president in politics
0 ups, 4mo
You ain't kidding. He's ruined California.
Trump cabinet in politics
6 ups, 4mo
TDS in overdrive! This guy is actually positing that Hillary Clinton's moral compass is to be heeded. Wow!
Macho Man in politics
3 ups, 4mo
Outstanding meme. Mayor Pete in leather, Warren as the Indian, Bernie as the working man. Very clever. Upvoted!