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Flick7 (4141736)
Joined 2022-01-11
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there they go misusing the word "know" again in atheist
0 ups, 3h
It's people's fault that there's miserable things on the earth. Ever since Adam sinned by not looking after Eve, and Eve ate the forbidden fruit because she wanted to be like God, knowing good and evil when she wasn't suppose to (pride) they themselves let sin into the earth. Now sin is passed on to everybody and we all do wrong things.
God let that happen on purpose, so he could recieve glory. That's the whole reason God created anything. He's going to conquer sin as the book of Revalation says, and he will be glorified greatly for it forever.
And you say God let's bad things happen? We deserve it. And those bad things happen because our sin corrupts everything. Even just ONE sin, against a perfectly holy God deserves an eternity of death and Hell! So of course there's things like rape. That sounds awesome in comparison of whats to come for unrepentant people. You can thank our own sinful hearts for all the corruption here on earth.
Now I gotta go. Sermons starting 👻 but I'll be back
Book Bans in atheist
0 ups, 4h
You may not believe in God, but you definitely see yourself as a higher being 😂
I DIDNT say existence couldn't be eternal. In heaven I, and hopefully you too, will have new bodies that don't corrupt, don't die. They're e t e r n a l.
I DIDNT say science is wrong, I know it better than you. God created the freakin universe. He made science. He constructed everything on an intricate way that random cosmic gas couldn't.
If your only job is swearing like crazy and calling me retarded without presenting ANY proof, how can you call yourself an atheist? You have no idea why you believe what you believe. You're just arrogant about the fact that there's a God who demands you give up your sinful lifestyle. You don't know your stuff at ALL
there they go misusing the word "know" again in atheist
0 ups, 4h
(How to you link to comments??)
And God didn't flee the scene. He's still here working and interacting with the earth
Book Bans in atheist
0 ups, 4h
I like that saying a lot
Why am I the one who's thinking and presenting proof and you're the one throwing insults like a 4th grader who learned a new roast on youtube
there they go misusing the word "know" again in atheist
0 ups, 4h
This isn't how smart people debate yk. They use evidence instead of jnsults. The scientific method DOESN'T account for something to he created from absolutely nothing. It doesn't account for a perfect earth system complete with emotion and beautiful nature. If you want some rock hard science I can show you an essay I wrote when I get home