Non-Entity Hazards
Level 42 is the 43rd level of The Backrooms. It is a large, non-Euclidean stretch of land dominated by dense forests, thick vegetation, and one singular volcano in the center.
Artistic representation of Level 42.
Most of the level consists of nothing more than a gigantic forest with trees covering every bit of the land until the very end of the Horyzon1, which prevents almost any light from reaching the ground. However, even with the absence of sunlight, which is vital for plants to survive, these plants are able to grow and perform any functions with no apparent diminished effects.
The dense forest, rich in thick vegetation and strong coverage of the ground, together with the highly polluted and dense atmosphere, prevents any light from reaching the majority of the surface2.
Surveying the level has proven to be a challenge for most exploration teams, mostly due to the fact that most of the level is an environmental hazard to any wanderer or entity alike. Most effects and dangers will be listed further into the article; however, if necessary, all available and detailed effects, including all available chemical records and other reports based on advanced machinery that exploration teams have brought periodically into the level3, can be accessed in the attached files: level42_effects.zip(1,48MB) | level42_detailed_logs.zip(24,18MB)
Traversing the level on foot is the only viable option for those who are looking to explore the level, as the terrain is rough and uneven at all times, even in the seemingly open, flat areas underneath giant domes of leaves, formed by enormous trees.
Furthermore, it is incredibly hard to see without any form of artificial lighting, such as a flashlight. Bringing any fire-inducing sources of light is not recommended due to the polluted and highly reactive atmosphere, which reacts to any modest amount of fire.
If by any means a fire is started, the area surrounding the source of the flame will be engulfed in a ball of burning air particles, which will explode and severely damage anything standing less than 5-10 meters (16-33 feet) away from the initial source.
The explosion is always rapid and too quick for any flames to escape and burn down any tre