wait, u said that total gun control would b bad if it was in the wrong hands, & u said conservatives are the wrong hands, but then them not standing 4 gun control means they're not the only hands the guns are in.
u do realize gun control is the first great step in2 communism? all u need is 4 some corrupt guy 2 get in2 office & establish an oppressive system, & we're through. do u not believe we could fall 4 something like that? look @ some countries who were decieved by ppl who pretended 2 b good & weren't. hitler won elections 4 germany; many thought he was good, & look what he did. zedong overtook everything, & everyone was brainwashed in2 believing he was infallible. heck, mussolini fought on germany's side even though a vast majority of his country didn't even want 2 fight in the war, & so they eventually revolted. but u can only do that if the military is not strong, which america's is. this system is outrageous and dangerous & especially NOT what we need in this bomb-equipped world.
what would b rlly bad is if bernie got in2 office & became the nxt mao zedong. many americans would prolly become suicidal & the others would just bear torment until they died.