If the challenge is to draw comparisons between Haiti and Cuba, I’d take that gambit any day.
I mean for starters, in the past 30 years, Haiti has experienced major natural disasters and heavy deforestation that has both weakened its ability to develop as well as wipe out it’s own natural resources. Also, the earthquake of 2010 was so devastating that it wiped out a vast majority of its industrial sector. As a result, Haiti’s educated have been exported ever since. So to put it into perspective, you could nuke Cuba and not set it back as hard as the natural disasters that Haiti has experienced. Cuba does not have this excuse as to why it is doing so bad.
Furthermore, Haiti has experienced great political instability with a coup as recent as the early to mid 90’s. As a result, an economist would have trouble making the case that it has been pure capitalist for the past two decades due to its constant instability. Cuba, on the other hand, has been consistently one system for the last 3 decades without the deforestation, political landscape changing, and worst recorded earthquake in the Western Hemisphere for the past 200 years… so again, what is there excuse?
And if that isn’t enough, Haiti, in the same time period, practiced periods of economic isolation. Not only is that not capitalist at all, it is also the worst possible thing a country can do economically. Cuba has not practiced this at all in the past 30 years… so once again, what is their excuse?
Lastly, economics is incredibly complex and not easily defined. Look at America. Even though they are defined as capitalist, their health care system is not capitalist at all and is in fact heavily regulated (apart from the ophthalmological field… which boasts the most advances in the past 20 years). In the same vein, China has lifted the most people out of poverty in the last two decades than any other country and the primary factor in those two decades was embracing free market policies. So all that to say, just because Wikipedia says they are capitalist doesn’t mean they are completely. In fact, for every “capitalist” Haitian policy, I can counter with one that isn’t.
So much for this being, as you put it, easy.