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Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it & hell where they already have it ~ Ronald Reagan

Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it & hell where they already have it ~ Ronald Reagan | Insanity; Doing the same 
thing over and 
over again
and expecting 

different results. Albert Einstein; Socialism, Marxism, Communism | image tagged in politics,albert einstein,insanity,communism socialism,marxism,political humor | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
824 views 40 upvotes Made by vBackman 1 year ago in politics
9 ups, 1y,
1 reply
My message to those advocating socialism is this:

Billions of dollars appropriated from the American workers have been spent on programs and services for the homeless "do nothings" with the result of an ever increasing number of homeless "do nothings" and human excrement covering the sidewalks.

This is socialism failing right before your eyes.
2 ups, 1y,
1 reply
I am all for ending the enabling narcan distribution.

Veteran spending has been earned, it is not a "gimme dat".

Biden would just blame Trump. True story. Not a joke. 🤭
0 ups, 1y,
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Well at least you've apparently picked a side.

Many on the right seem to want to complain both about the narcan distribution AND complain about the fentanyl overdoses AND complain about the homeless.

I'm just complaining about the people complaining. 😜

According to NCHV, 1 in 5 homeless men are veterans.
0 ups, 1y
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I do not believe the 1 in 5 stat...but I have also done zero research, sooo ... ???


I have done preliminary research and determined your statistic may be incorrect.

Veterans are closer to 2 in 5...1.65 in 5 to be precise. 😄

However, veteran homelessness has decreased by 50% over the last 10 years.

Probably due to Vietnam vets dying off.

Yet, in general, I believe the homeless population is beyond help.

Why? They are no longer the "lost a job and could no longer afford my rent" crowd.

They are molly coddled addicts whose own families no longer wish to participate in enabling them to undo themselves.

Now it is society's turn to sever ties with these bridge burners.

Quit providing free junkie enablement programs and put that money towards something that will actually benefit society.

Quit providing the means of bringing them back to life.

Addicts will either get well, employ another attention seeking behavior, or die.

Any one of these choices is acceptable.

Then society can return to a time when one need not worry about stepping in human excrement on one's way to work, school, the store, etc.
2 ups, 1y
It needs to be privately funded and sourced. Less government and more private entities. It isn't difficult to understand.
8 ups, 1y,
2 replies
The Democrats have made the movie Idiocracy a fact based documentary and not a comedic fiction.
7 ups, 1y,
1 reply
There are two types of prophecies - Directly from God and self-fulfilling.
7 ups, 1y,
1 reply
I completely agree. In this case it is mostly self-fulfilling. The Dems have been purposely killing our education and silencing any critical thinking until they are now at the same level of the characters in that movie.

Perhaps God knew this would happen all along. Perhaps it is because of this that all of the other things prophesied in Bible are happening. All of the horrors predicted in the Bible can only happen if mankind turns away from God.
5 ups, 1y
Yep.... prophesied by Thomas Jefferson

"And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." - The Declaration of Independence
3 ups, 1y,
2 replies
I wonder who is going to swing by the noose on that gallows. Do we have any dwarves or midgets serving on Congress?

Do you think that a few 2x4's poorly nailed together are going to be strong enough? That was a dumb question. You live in NYC. You've never hammered a nail into anything. You have no clue about working in construction.

Well, take it from someone who has actually worked into construction. That gallows will fall over the minute there is any weight on it. And clearly it is not tall enough to hang anyone.

You have been mislead by fake news into thinking it was real when it was just a symbol.
1 up, 1y,
2 replies
"You have been mislead by fake news into thinking it was real when it was just a symbol."

Im not sure if Modda believed it was functional or not but in any case....

Does it not being a fully functional gallows matter...? Sure, it's "just a symbol".. of an instrument to kill.. Mike Pence.. and anyone else in congress "allowing" the election they say as illegitimate to continue.

A gallows & noose historically is a form of capital punishment for doing something seen as illegal. I'd say it was pretty clear that the thousands of people who went to the Capitol thought that something illegal had taken place during the election...( hence " Stop the 'Steal' " ).

....... But just in case that symbolic death threat in the form of a physical structure was too vague, they also literally chanted "Hang Mike Pence!" and broke into the building.

Luckily he was not convinced / intimidated into doing what Trump and the rest of the mob wanted (not certifying / decertifying the electoral votes).

But ya.. it being 5/8 scale or whatever it was and using incorrect nails, bolts, beams, crossmembers etc makes no difference if the whole point was to send a message.
1 up, 1y,
1 reply
As sad as it is (I can't say "sick'' or "vile'' or I'll get 48 again for "insulting class or group''), it perfectly represents the Trump era.

It's kind of obvious what's 'hanging' in that photo, I mean, it's right there, the Capital Dome for all those who don't get anything not spelled out and outlined in Sharpie with a GPS hollering the background. Then again, I'm sure that there are some that actually think the Capital Dome must be a good inch and a quarter high and stenciled on Oak Tag there,,,

I'll be the first to admit I'm not sure if those gallows can actually support that building. What do I know, I only live in the biggest cluster of buildings bigger than one story in America (understandably a difficult concept to understand for those living in flyover states where the tumbleweeds have to be pruned on a fairly regular basis in order to prevent them from blocking the view of the sumptuously flat roof). And made of brick and mortar, no less, not staple-gunned sheetrock - excuse me, particle board, which is what they use now in the wide swath of America known as Tornado Alley. Hey, if it's built to be knocked down every spring, might as well splurge on the cheapest and flimsiest materials known to science. I'm surprised they don't just use cardboard for walls and Saran Wrap for windows.

Anywho, aside from the ugliness of what it depicts, it's the perfect picture, the composition, the symbolism, the sheer poetry of it.

Decades from now, it will be THE image that comes to mind when anybody refers to those years and Trump's base of support.

Oh, and exactly, about what you said.
I highly doubt that Zip Tie Man and the rest of that funky bunch were literally planning to hang those they were planning to execute right there out in the open. Surely Ray Epps and the rest of the FBI - which, as we know, was what the entire crowd was comprised of - would have blown their covers and done an Eastwood Man-With-No-Name and shot that noose with the Congressional Elf stuck in it in the last second before riding off into the sunset where the tumbleweeds don't shine until comes along another day needing to be saved,,,

*wipes tear* Muh'merica
0 ups, 1y
Ah... I didn't even know insulting a (political) group wasn't allowed... 🤔 Basically I thought you could bash whatever political party but insulting individuals here was the no-no..? Idk. In any case, I try not to bash users here.

As far as the gallows, I contemplated making a burning cross argument..... i.e. If someone sets one up in your yard late at night, don't worry "it's just a symbol"... but I decided against it. Idk.

Lol "Ray Epps".. that narrative really went nowhere. I hope he also gets millions $$$ from Faux News.
0 ups, 1y,
1 reply
I won't make excuses for the crowd turning on Pence. That was wrong. It was also wrong of Trump to demand Pence do something he doesn't have the authority to do.

There is more than enough evidence that the 2020 election was a fraud. Just by the mere fact that Biden is an idiot who's gone senile. I know Trump hatred on the left was at a fever pitch. But that just cannot account for Democrats voting for a potato just because of hatred.

Anyway, back to you question.

Let me some up with a quote that has been attributed to either Franklin or Jefferson (I can't remember right now).

"When the people fear the government there is tyranny. When the government fears the people there is liberty"

I think politicians should always be quaking in their boots. Not so much with the fear of violence (unless necessary) but with the fear of losing their jobs or prison.

The problem with or government right now is they get away with murder. Especially the Democrats.

No one is above the and politicians who violate the Constitution or any other law should receive a much harsher punishment than the average citizen.
0 ups, 1y,
1 reply
"Turning on Pence" was expected. The protest was literally called "Stop the Steal".

Your opinion of Biden proves nothing as far as the election allegedly being stolen. This might be completely shocking but I voted for him. Everyone I know voted for him. No signs in our yards, no hats, no shirts, no rallies.... just votes. Legal votes. And old as f*ck or not, we'll most likely vote for him again. (Possible exception: my antivax neighbors)

J6 was about more than just making the government "fear the people" in a general sense.

It was specifically about about stopping the 'steal'. There is a reason they named it that... and went to the capitol.. on the day of the count. To imply it was a guided tour is ridiculous.
0 ups, 1y,
2 replies
So then tell me, why did you vote FOR him? What outstanding comments did he make on the campaign trail? Or in the debates? What was it that make you think, this guy is saying what I believe in my heart?

I content that every single legitimate vote that Biden got had absolutely nothing with anything Biden ever said or advocated on the campaign trail. It had nothing to do with continuing Obama's dismal legacy. Every single legitimate vote that Biden received was a vote AGAINST Trump.

No one can seriously say in their right mind that Biden was the perfect person for the job. If anyone did say that then they are clueless. Why, why, why would you give a senile old man access to nuclear codes? Is that wise?

What scares me the most is you will "most likely" vote for him again. Is there anything at all that he did that improved the quality of life in America? Anything???? Because I have family who are living at the poverty level and Biden made it impossible to both buy groceries and buy gasoline for their cars. The left can pontificate about how the care so much about the poor all they want but all you guys ever do is make the poor miserable. Then on top of that Biden signed into law a massive spending bill and huge tax increase FOR EVERYONE, even the poor and the called that bill The Inflation Reduction Act. That bill had nothing whatsoever to do with inflation. It was the Green New Deal with a new label on it. And every single tax bracket, with the exception of those who earned $10,000 to $20,000 per year got a tax INCREASE. Because when Inflation makes it hard to survive, nothing helps like the government stealing even more of your money.

Biden and the Federal Reserve caused the inflation. It is not a randomly occurring economic anomaly. It has a cause and effect. Print too much money and the money devalues. When the money devalues the cost of living goes up. It is just that simple. Obama did it but Biden upped the game and gave us Carter like inflation.

In an effort to get Dementia Joe back in the White House in 2024, the Fed raised interest rates and slowed the printing of currency down. But it's going to go back up if Dementia Joe gets re-elected (or installed like last time). Why? Because Joe believes in Modern Monetary Theory. It is the idiotic notion that if the government needs money all they have to do is print it. It is push by Joe's puppet masters at the UN, WEF and IMF. All the major world leaders are following MMT.
0 ups, 1y
Looks like tuition actually paused a bit when Obama got elected... but has generally been going up for quite a while.

In 2018, 17% of the federal student loan debts were people 50+ years old still paying them off... because Obama?

You: "All you guys ever do is make the poor miserable"...
"how did biden improve ANYONE'S life?"...

Me: Ok here's a couple things he did that improved people's lives.

You: well there's a ton of blame on those people themselves because reasons.. and because Obama.. and because democrats.

It seems like you wanna tell them to make better choices in life and pull themselves up by the ol' bootstraps... (basically no government intervention...) meanwhile you're acting like Joe Biden should be doing something about it.... meanwhile Joe Biden already IS doing something about it..... but youre mad that he's doing something about it.

"Obama inherited a recession and made it worse"

Nope. The years after Obama's 2nd year or so were increasingly prosperous and the economy was good. Trump inherited a silver spoon from Obama, ran with it a while, and then handed Joe Biden a turd.

Quantitative easing aka "QE" skyrocketed under trump... to try and get us out of the covid crash (hence that bump in the money supply you saw in the previous chart. )

QE injects ca$h into banks or whatever financial institutions, which encourages lower interest rates, which encourages more spending and investing (increased demand) which also.....surprise... creates inflation.

Anyway they eventually cut it off and began raising interest rates to try and curb inflation... A bit late but in any case there does seem to finally be some results in terms of inflation reduction.

I always ask people if the current FED chairman, Jerome Powell, should get fired or not but never seem to get a straight answer. He was appointed by trump and Biden kept him in there.
0 ups, 1y,
2 replies
Looks like Biden inherited quite a hike in M2 money supply there. And literally no one claimed inflation was a "random occurring economic anomoly". You seem to be completely ignoring supply and demand coming out of the pandemic, the fact that we're part of a global economy, supply chain issues, etc..

Sure.. "against Trump" was a big part of my vote. Against his character, his policy, and stuff he did during the pandemic. Comparing covid to the flu clear into in October, when most people knew it was far worse.... was bonkers. A million+ Americans have died from it in only a couple years. The flu doesnt do that. I had family and friends of family who were hospitalized and died from it.

A smaller part of it was association with Obama (who some on the right seem to think is actually controlling him ¿ ).. and the assumption he would follow general democrat policy.

As far as "Perfect for the job".. that's a pipe dream. Never thought he was "perfect" nor did I think we'd be in some utopia if he was president. The perfect person for that job imo probably would not want the job in the first place. And I said in 2020 that I thought he was older than I would consider ideal. Many in our govt are.

As far as stuff Biden said campaigning... talk is cheap. At this point I basically expect politicians to not necessarily do what they say. But he does seem to be following through with student loan debt relief, which I think is a good thing. I know tax payers with decent jobs who can't seem to dig out of their student loan debt hole. So yes as far as him doing something to help the "quality of life for people in America".. that would be one thing. No student loan debt for millions of Americans = more money to spend on everything else, thus improving quality of life.

You mentioned "poverty level people and their groceries".... I would also say Biden's record increase in food stamps would be another thing "improving the quality of life" for those Americans who need it.

Obama, similar to Biden, inherited a pile of sh*t from the previous republican administration and spent our way out of that recession.

The FED began raising rates 2 years ago... I mean Biden was barely even IN the white house and you're saying they raised rates to keep him in??
0 ups, 1y
"I know tax payers with decent jobs who can't seem to dig out of their student loan debt hole."

Blame Obama. When he took over student loans then colleges did what everyone does with government guaranteed money, they raised tuition rates. They knew that the government backed that money and most people are under the misguided assumption that the government can never go bankrupt.

However, there is a ton of blame on those who took out those student loans. It is really not a hard math problem to add up all of the tuition you will pay and compare that with the average salaries that your field of endeavor pays. Then you know what your burden will be. Even though tuitions have skyrocketed, it doesn't take a super genius to know that hundreds of thousands of dollars to become a social worker is insane.

But here are the Democrats, sticking their hands into everyone's wallets to pay for yet another bungle on their part.

"Obama, similar to Biden, inherited a pile of sh*t from the previous republican administration and spent our way out of that recession."

Inherited and then made worse. Just like when FDR inherited Hoover's depression and turned it into the Great Depression. Neither president knew how to handle an economic downturn. And it's not like they didn't have information available on what they could have done. Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge knew what to do with the stock market crashed in late 1919. Reagan just did what Coolidge did after the disaster left by Carter.

History has repeated itself. We haven't had a president who understands the economy since Reagan (and Reagan wasn't perfect. He had to fight the clueless Democrats tooth and nail for a shred of anything that would help the economy). Democrats are hopelessly clueless and the Republicans are mostly Keynesians.
0 ups, 1y
You know what I found out I can no longer trust? The Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Federal Reserve.

The facts are these. At the end of Bush's presidency he and the Federal Reserve started quantitative easing. It is a system where governments damage the value of currency which causes inflation in an effort to get out of a recession. Bush's quantitative easing was a one time deal.

Then Obama got into office and he decided that quantitative easing needed to be done on a more permanent basis so he and the Feds fired up the printing presses and began flooding the country with more and more currency.

I never heard if Trump put an end to that printing or not. Apparently he didn't.

And the fact that you are pointing that out means you are not an average liberal. You have actually put some research into. Because economically speaking, Trump was not very good. In fact I attribute the economic boom that happened when he became president, NOT to anything he did, but the simple fact that he wasn't Hillary Clinton. It was the business world that felt safe to begin re-investing into their businesses that turned the economy around. If Hillary had won then we probably would have gone into a depression.

So apparently Trump let the Feds keep printing.

The problem is that Joe Biden has been told by those who control him (the World Economic Forum, the UN, the IMF, BlackRock, Vanguard and more) that Modern Monetary Theory is what he needs to be doing. In fact they have been telling most of the world's leaders to follow this idiot and destructive economic policy.

MMT is that if the government needs money, they just print it (technically it's digitized rather than actually printed). Under Biden the Feds cranked up the printing presses much more than under Bush, Obama or Trump.

And THAT is what caused Bidinflation

"I would also say Biden's record increase in food stamps would be another thing 'improving the quality of life' for those Americans who need it."

That is just another Democrat band-aid. It helps pay for food for the poor but social programs like welfare all cause a negative effect on the economy. Everyone suffers as a result. It leads to recessions and worse. Wealth redistribution has always been caused economic downturns and whatever gains the poor get with food stamps is taken in everything else. Plus the cost of food goes up which makes the government raise taxes higher, print more money and/or borrow more money.
1 up, 1y,
1 reply
My only regret is that i merely have one upvote to give this comment.
1 up, 1y
0 ups, 1y
As sad as it is (I can't say "sick'' or "vile'' or I'll get 48 again for "insulting class or group''), it perfectly represents the Trump era.

It's kind of obvious what's 'hanging' in that photo, I mean, it's right there, the Capital Dome for all those who don't get anything not spelled out and outlined with a Sharpie. Then again, I'm sure that there are some that actually think the Capital Dome must be a good inch and a quarter high and stenciled on Oak Tag there,,,

I'll be the first to admit I'm not sure if those gallows can actually support that building. What do I know, I only live in the biggest cluster of buildings bigger than one story in America (understandably a difficult concept to understand for those living in flyover states where the tumbleweeds have to be pruned on a fairly regular basis in order to prevent them from blocking the view of the flat roof). And made a brick and mortar, not staple-gunned sheetrock - excuse me, particle board which is what they use now in the wide swath of America known as Tornado Alley. Hey, if it's built to be knocked down every spring, might as well splurge on the cheapest materials available. I'm surprised they don't just use cardboard for walls and Saran Wrap for windows.
Aside from what it is, it's the perfect picture, the composition, the symbolism, the sheer poetry of it.

Decades from now, it will be THE picture that comes to mind when anybody refers to those years.
8 ups, 1y,
1 reply
I have seen it. Think about it. What is more ridiculous, watering plants with Brawndo because "it has what plants crave" or not being about to tell you what a woman is? The left has achieved Idiocracy and we didn't have to be cryogenically frozen and woken up in 500 years to see it happening.
8 ups, 1y
I heard a rumor that you like to argue just for the sake of arguing.
5 ups, 1y,
1 reply
Clearly, in the Dumb Age, there are scattered pockets of rare insight and brilliance. Well done Lady v and the rest of the conservative memers.
8 ups, 1y
Thank you, Diogenes. I also appreciate the other conservative memers as we unite FOR values & standards while leftists continue to work tirelessly AGAINST them.
5 ups, 1y
Did you know that socialism and communism were the two things Einstein famously hated the most?

For more information, look up “Albert Einstein why socialism”.
2 ups, 1y,
1 reply
The marriage of government and corporation is fascism.
2 ups, 1y,
1 reply
Goverment control of corporations is communism. FBI's proven influence on Twitter. DEI & ESG forced on businesses.
2 ups, 1y,
1 reply
That’s the never achieved theory
0 ups, 1y
3 ups, 1y,
1 reply
So we agree. Communism and fascism are very similar. The only real difference is that fascists are nationalists and communists are globalists.
0 ups, 1y,
1 reply
No, we do not
No, they are not

Like the commenter above you told you, Fascists were Corporatists.

Nazis demanded obedience from corporations as well as the public, unlike Fascists where the relationship was more balanced.

Communists - now pay attention to the words - are communal, the community decides communally, collectively. The workers own the means of production. Not the corporations. Not the party. Not the government. Not an autocratic ruler. But the public.

Hope this clarifies things!
0 ups, 1y,
1 reply
The workers in communist countries decide nothing. They own nothing. The party elite control and decide everything. Please do some basic research. There are tons of testimonies from people who lived it. Your ideas are fantasy. They do not match reality.
0 ups, 1y
What communist countries?
There are none, nor has there ever have been any, nor shall there ever be any, for that matter.
2 ups, 1y,
1 reply
Didn't work out that way, did it?
0 ups, 1y,
1 reply
Russia kind of has a lot of room in it, and the USSR had even more. They were more than two people living in it. Those two fellas were part of an oligarchy, not communists.
1 up, 1y,
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0 ups, 1y
That's your argument? How quaint.
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    Insanity; Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein; Socialism, Marxism, Communism