Oh how uneducated the left has made you. Go read the Nazi party platform of 1928 (I think that was he year, they had a few of them). It is on the internet. "Free" education and welfare are Nazi ideas. It's right there on their party platform.
Welfare is not an American idea. We never had it until Lyndon Johnson. And why did LBJ create it? Because the majority of blacks were poor. What did Johnson want for him and the Democrat party? Votes. What did Johnson say about his Great Society in private? He said, and I quote, "I'll keep those [N-words] voting Democrat for 100 years". THAT is what welfare was created for in America. Yeah, that's a great legacy you are supporting. And has it done any good?
The poverty rate in America before welfare was 40%. At no time since welfare had started did the poverty rate ever drop below 40%. So after the billions of dollars that is been stolen from the tax payers in a idiotic way to help the poor, it has done NOTHING. Nothing at all. It is a colossal failure. But go on thinking it is the altruistic thing to do.
Just for your educational purposes when ever the government promises something for free, it's not. It never is. The government does not produce anything to generate wealth. They have no money. All they are is a massive parasite feeding off of the people. They steal part of our income, they steal even more when we use what we get to keep. They have tax after tax after tax. It's amazing that we have any money at all.
Who do all of those taxes hurt the most? The poor, especially the working poor. Who did Biden's policy of devaluing the currency causing prices to skyrocket hurt the most? The poor, all of the poor.
Oh wait. Aren't the Democrats most concerned about the poor? Yeah they want to make them poorer. That is all Democrats know how to do. Then they lie to them and say it is the "big bad Republicans fault". "They want to take away everything we give you and that is why you must vote for us." It's a scare tactic.
What Republicans (mostly the voters because some of the politicians are just Democrats who registered as Republican, donkeys wearing elephant costumes) want to take away is all of those excessive taxes. What Libertarians want to take away is ALL taxation.
Maybe, just maybe, if we can get the government off people's backs the poor might have a chance to thrive and live better.
But no. Democrats must tax, spend and control. Hmmm. Just like Nazis.
Trump never said that. Liberals put those words in Trump's mouth because they have to make things fit their false narrative. Like you're whole obsession with calling conservatives, Nazis.
Nazis are Socialists, National Socialists. "NAZI" is an acronym for "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei" or in English "National Socialist German Workers' Party".
If you ever just read a history book you might find out what the Nazi party stood for. You can find their political party platforms online. Take "German" out and it sounds very much like the Democrat party platform. Look it up.
If you ever did read the real history of the Progressive movement in the early 20th century in the U.S. you would freak. The leftists, your ideological predecessors, in the late 1920's and early 30's used to praise Hitler as the man of the future. You can still find evidences of this in Hillary Clintons frequent praise of Margaret Sanger. Sanger formed Planned Parenthood for the purpose of breading out "undesirables" through abortion and birth control. Who were her "undesirables". One project she launched in Planned Parenthood was called "The Negro Project". Sanger was an inspiration to both Adolf Hitler and Hillary Clinton.
By the way, if you have read this far, what I have just told you is 100% verifiable facts.
Meanwhile the right wing, in watching the rapid decline into Marxism, woke up and rediscovered what this nation was build to be. You Nazis just do not understand that and probably never will because you're all so convinced that your group think is the only way to think. You've been manipulated by the very people you pretend to hate. And those people are just not us.
The right are very committed to the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence. We believe in our "inalienable rights endowed by our Creator". We believe the purpose of government was laid out to protect our lives, liberty, property and pursuit of happiness. I know property is not found in the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson originally included "property" in his rough draft but took it out for fear that those who supported slavery would use that to mean a right to own a slave. Later in the 14th amendment "property" replaced "pursuit of happiness". BECAUSE in all the socialism variations, property belongs to the state, not the individual. If you do not own it then someone else does and they decide how you can use it. That is you guys, not us. We fight for liberty
Well perhaps but I am talking about Islamic terrorists. The kind that strap bombs to kids. The kind that build their headquarters in schools and hospitals. The kind that Democrats have been funding since, at least, Barack Obama. The October attack on Israel wouldn't have happened if Biden hadn't been funding indirectly funding Islamic terrorism.