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AdamSmithsInvisibleHand (473991)
Joined 2022-05-21
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Hobama Harris aint black in politics
2 ups, 7h
I've noticed something recently. I don't know how wide spread it is or it will get. There seems to be a handful of people who say that if you're not a white person of European ancestry then you're black. All non-whites are considered black.

I think might grow and become the norm eventually. Because the collectivists (aka communist, fascists, socialists and Nazis) need to have 1 collection, not multiple. So they are merging all of the people who have darker skin into one collection so they can pit them against the other collection (straight white Europeans).

Putting non-whites against whites has already begun. That is what CRT is all about.

But calling non-whites "black" is new.

Perhaps this is why Kamala is calling herself "black" now.

BTW Asians have been thrown out of the "black" collective and into the "white" collective because they work hard and are very smart. They'll throw any non-white out of the "black" collective if they either 1. Do not vote Democrat or 2. Work hard and accomplish great success.

According to the left wing nutjob collectivists, being white means you work hard and achieve success and being "black" means loser. That's what it appears from what they are doing. I'm just saying....
Democrats could never win legally. They have nothing this country wants or needs. So they "destroy democracy" to get their way in politics
4 ups, 18h
That there is Mexico. I know you have never left that hell hole you call NYC but I've been to Mexico. Not very far into Mexico but I have been there. Before 9/11 you used to be able to go 50 miles into Mexico without a passport. So we used to drive down to Tijuana frequently. I've been as far as Ensenada. I've also crossed the Mexico border in Texas once.

Anyway, the point is that is near the border and I am pretty sure it is Texas. Eastern Texas, because western Texas, by El Paso, is a desert. Just like California by Tijuana. Oh, I'm sorry. You've never been to Texas either. Oh that so sad. I won't rub it is but I just got back from vacationing in Scotland. You've never been out of NYC.

I didn't go to Scotland with the idea of talking politics but there were a few who just had to laugh at Joe Biden. They think we lost our minds with Joe being our president. I told them they were right. Your president is an international embarrassment. And Kamala isn't going to change there opinions.
Democrats could never win legally. They have nothing this country wants or needs. So they "destroy democracy" to get their way in politics
3 ups, 18h
And that is exactly why we are in the mess we are in. Democrats just have no clue about how the economy works. They just spend, spend, spend and they think they are accomplishing great things. It's all crap and it has always been crap. None of those, not one single one of those things I would call an great accomplishment. I would call all of them just more government boondoggles.
Biden didn't drop out of the race. He was dumped by his party. They'll eat their own to keep power. in politics
1 up, 19h
How is what I said false. You just reiterated my words.
"That was a secondary reason, a concession made to appeal to less populated states who feared being overshadowed by bigger states with bigger populations."

"The Founding fathers initially didn't want to give anybody the right to vote. Other than themselves, that is, the new aristocratic class, the new feudal lords. They appointed the first presidents."

What a load of caca that is. No wonder you think Trump is a dictator. You probably think our founding fathers were all fascists.

"Initially, they granted the right to vote to only Protestant British and Germanic property owning monied males. They wouldn't even let all property owners vote, viewing the not-so-rich-ones as too intellectually inferior. By birth."

More caca. Are you inventing this stuff?

"And the opposite, the EC gives vast acreage of tumbleweeds and cattle more political influence than it does citizens"

Why, yes. Yes it does. But we used to be a very very loose collection of states. Each state thought of themselves as more of an independent nation. The agreed that a very small and powerless federal government was a good idea and the smaller populated states were afraid they would be out voted by the larger populated states on issues that would affect their state.

Your graph about NYC being more populated than most of the the states in this country, including the state I currently live in just makes me all the happier that I don't have to live there. What a nightmare!!!! All of those people living in tiny boxes stacked on top of each other, paying thousands of dollars per month, in an area the size of a postage stamp. That is a living hell. I'm so sorry you have to live there. You should move. Live somewhere where you can breath, instead of that sweaty, humid, hell hole that you call the center of the universe. I'll bet the entire city smells like sweaty armpits, urine and caca. But how would you know, you grew up smelling that smell. It is normal to you.