If you want a more succinct point to what my complaint is then it's freedom.
We are less free than when England owned us and it is all because of the policies of the Democrat party (and a few Republicans) over the last century.
Democrats just don't understand that because they still think of themselves as the party of Thomas Jefferson. They're not. Jefferson was a liberal, a classical liberal. Classical liberals today are found partially in the Republican party. But much more so in the Libertarian and Constitution Parties.
The Democrats are classical conservatives. They believe in a strong controlling government that takes all or most of the political power away from the individual.
This is evidenced in so many places. Speech is a big one. Democrats believe in controlled speech so that only their narrative is the accepted narrative. Any deviation from that narrative is considered misinformation, disinformation and/or mal-information.
It's really crazy how the left can even think they are being censored. Their message is pounded down our throats in movies, TV shows, the mainstream media, colleges and universities, K through 12 public education. No where is the left censored. They have been in control of pushing their agenda on us since before WWII.
When Reagan ended the fairness doctrine for broadcasting, that's when Rush Limbaugh changed America. Before that, I watched shows like Phil Donahue and he would have 1 conservative guest and 3 to 5 liberals to shout the conservative down. That was the Democrats fairness doctrine that caused that.
There were rare moments when he just had guests like Milton Friedman or Ayn Rand on by themselves but he would have a Q&A afterwards and his audience was stacked with liberals.
Now some cities are levying heavy fines if you don't use a person's made up pronouns. How is that free speech. There is no obligation for me to change my speech patterns for someone else. That is narcissistic to force other people to change for someone else. Especially when anything after 2 genders is fabricated out of some fantasy. I do not want to live in a fantasy world, reality works very well for me.
When you learn what freedom really means and how freedom is guaranteed under the Constitution for all citizens of this great country then all of this other nonsense about this group or that group rights is meaningless. They already have the same freedom as everyone else. Anything above that is a privilege.
"This anti-fascism expressed itself in support for policies to aid those resisting fascist aggression in Europe."
That was the original Antifa. The new and the old Antifa are communists. It is the most absurd group of people to exist because there is virtually no difference between fascism and communist. It's like anarcho-communists. Some anarcho-communists just want to live in a commune without any government controlling them, and I have no problem with them. A larger set of people who call themselves that are solely interested in tearing down through anarchy and building back up with a communist regime and I have a huge problem with that.
"And it’s important to remember that a big chunk of the American public, on the left and right, was isolationist—wanted to stay out of European affairs"
This is a real damned if we do and damned if we don't situation. If we keep putting our nose into other countries businesses we get called colonialists. If we don't we get called isolationists. What I think is seeing that we are $36 trillion in debt we need to stop giving money away like there's no tomorrow.
Doing right for the country sometimes involves isolationism, sometimes it doesn't. I have more of a problem with getting involved where we don't belong than being accused of being isolationists. Because, seriously, other countries problems are there, not ours. And we just do not have the money to get involved in places we don't belong.
"The later rise of the popular front and the increasing understanding of fascism would further drive the American left away from these dictators, that is why they called them men of the future before they saw the true side of all of them, and never men of the present."
That's not correct. They may not have understood what the results of fascist, communist, nazi and socialist regimes cause because they had nothing to compare it with. It wasn't until 1928 when the NYT's first published an article about the atrocities of the Soviet Union. That is when the cracks begin to happen in the Progressive movement. But they were fully aware of Marxist ideology. After all the Progressive movement was born in European colleges and it spread here from American students in European colleges right at the turn of the 20th century.
Early free market economists, like F.A. Hayek, spoke out against Marx but had no country to point to to show how it fails. Now we have tons of examples of it's failures but idiots still follow it.
All of that straight out censorship of conservatives and libertarians came from the left. I almost forgot, Christians and Jews got the same treatment. You could be pro-Islam all day long but the moment you posted a Christian or Jewish comment you were thrown out.
I guess you didn't know about this because it didn't affect you. And perhaps you heard about people getting censored but felt it was the right thing to do. I don't know because I don't know you and I don't know how much of this you knew about. Maybe you're one of those people who thought we were lying.
But if you want talk censorship whatever you think the right has done is flat out wrong.
When Biden was in office he was setting agencies to be on the look out for mis-, dis- and mal-information. They were going to push very hard to protect the American people from this. There was no bad information, there was just opposing opinions to the left and that is what they were planning on censoring.
Obama tried 3 times to set up a report-your-neighbor-to-the-gestapo website if you heard someone saying something different than Obama. He never got them setup because that was wrong and unethical.
"you seem like a pretty closed-minded guy"
Yup. Another insult. Have I ever insulted you? No. I have said a lot about the left because, like I said already, I hate ideologies, not people. I don't hate you.
"who doesn't have any actual points"
Do you mean points that you agree with? If you're looking for "actual points" they are there, you just don't like them.
"and didn't even answer my initial question as how to masculinity relates to right wing"
I answered several times. Apparently you just don't like what I said or you just dismissed it as nothing.
"And again, you're misconfusing the majority of left-wingers with a small percentage of extremists"
I know that but it is the extremists you keep electing. I don't know if you (and I don't specifically mean you, just your party) even realizes the damage the extremists you put in office cause. Biden was a puppet of the World Economic Forum. The WEF's goal is to collapse the global economy. This is not conjecture that Biden was in league with the WEF, it is a fact. Right after Biden was elected, John Kerry went to Davos to the WEF and assured, on video (I know because I saw it), WEF president, Klaus Schwab, that Biden was fully onboard.
The destruction of the global economy, I would pretty much say that this is extremely extreme.
"why has the left only became a problem since trump got elected? because the left hasn't really changed and was never a serious problem before"
If that is how my comment sounded then I apologize. The left has been a serious threat to the US since President Woodrow Wilson (and a little before but they didn't have much power until Wilson) took office from 1913 to 1921. Wilson hated the fact that he had very little power as president so he came up with the idea of creating non-elected agencies and investing them with certain powers that he could make happen without congressional approval.
He created the IRS (I can't remember what they were called back then but they became the Internal Revenue Service) and the Federal Reserve.
The left talks about expanding constitutional rights to marginalized groups but it's just talk. There were groups who were marginalized but it was both parties who got legislation passed to help those people. In many cases the Republicans had to take the lead because there were so many racists in the Democrat party.
The Republican Party was actually started to end slavery and they had a war with the the rich power elite Democrats who wanted to keep slavery.
"I completely agree with free speech, but you can't say the right don't silence a lot of it, just look at all the left-wing content on X that has been removed,"
I can very much say that the right does NOT silence anyone. Musk did not silence speech on X, he expanded it and allowed conservative and libertarians a voice once again. Like Twitter used to be when it first started. The left hasn't been silenced, they ran away. They fear opposing viewpoints and they just left and ran to BlueSky.
Conservatives and libertarians were getting kicked off of Twitter all the time. The tweets were removed and they were threatened.
I've never liked Twitter/X anyway. I just don't like the format. Facebook is better in my opinion. But Facebook was just as evil for a very long time. If you said anything slightly positive about Trump starting in 2016 then you were banned from posting for few days or a month. If they really didn't like you they would kick you off also. Facebook has essentially gone back to the way they used to be prior to 2016. Probably because of the competition with X. Whatever the reason conservatives and libertarians now seem to have a voice again.
And that leads us to YouTube. They haven't changed.
So are insults part of your "trying to figure out the root cause of [my] anger"? I love my wife very much and she loves me. We have a very good marriage. We're looking forward to my retirement when can spend more time together. She is and always has been my best friend and the love of my life. If you want to figure me out then stop trying to turn me into someone I am not. I am not your straw man.
My frustration (not anger) is that the left is (or was until Trump got elected) destroying the future of America. They have been systematically dismantling the US Constitution over the last century. Only using it when they can advance their cause, the rest of the time they use it as toilet paper
The left hates this country and everyone in this country. They hate they ideals this country was founded on. And no, I am not talking about slavery and it really bugs me that I have to make this statement because the left only looks at slavery when talking about the founding of this nation and nothing else.
They hate freedom. They have invalidating the Bill of Rights. Free speech is called mis-, dis- or mal-information.
The real frustration is when you try to explain how our freedoms are being taken from us we get some lunatic song and dance from the left about the right hates everyone. We get called racist, sexist, homophobes or a few other standard insults from the left. We are called fascists and nazis.
First off, I don't hate anyone and it doesn't matter if they look just like me or nothing like me. To hate someone you have to know them first. Hating someone just because of an external feature, like skin color, is just stupid. I love getting to know people who are different than me because that is how I learn about other cultures and opinions. I love that. And no, I am not trying to learn that to use it against them. I'm not a liberal, for goodness sake.
Second off, fascists and nazis, along with communism are all variations of socialism. They are all far left ideologies. In other words if the left wants to find fascists and nazis all they need is a mirror and, unlike the left, I am saying that based on the left's ideology compared to that of the nazis, fascists, communists and socialists. Facts are facts. And considering that prior to Germany invading Poland, the American left used to hold rallies supporting Josef Stalin, Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. The American left called them the "men of the future".