I AM aware of how time works, and yes, I know about the civil war. I'm saying THOSE WHO DIDN'T DO ANYTHING against it should make reparations. So those who fought and died in the civil war shouldn't need to do anything. Those that stood by and let it all happen, should do something, and if they are all dead (which they are) then their descendants should take up the responsibility. I know this is not how it's being done now, but this is my view.
As for white slavery, the reason why the United States is not gathering reparations to give to the descendants of the white slaves is as follows:
No.1, The majority of the white slavery happened in places other than america, in places like Algeria and the Ottoman Empire, and some europe too. It's not the United States fault that they were enslaved, nor did they benefit from it, but in the case of black slaves, yes, they built fortunes on them too, so reparations is justified here.
No.2, Reparations are expensive. Would you be willing to vote for Biden if he charged reparations from more people for white slaves' descendants? Maybe not, and probably not a lot of others too. So you see, governments aren't so much motivated by racism (if they were, i'ts more likely to be the other way around), more by what can enable them to stay in office longer. They have to be careful of what they do to get as much public support as they can.
In conclusion, there's a balance. Some people might vote for whoever's in office if they made reparations, but more might not vote for them if the president raised taxes or charged more for those reparations.
I rest my case.
(P.S: I have a question too: Is it that you just don't want to have to pay the reparations?)