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JakkFrost (1004685)
Joined 2018-01-26
In between the lines there's a lot of obscurity, I'm not inclined to resign to maturity.
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Epitomizing "it's okay when WE do it" in politics
2 ups, 1w
Sadly it does. 😢
Epitomizing "it's okay when WE do it" in politics
2 ups, 1w
Ok, so I violated some hypocritical stream rules, not ToS. How nany "Trump Russian collusion" memes and comments have been deleted? How many have been allowed to stay up despite being a nonsense conspiracy theory?

And you can legitimately call what I said a conspiracy theory, but you can't definitively say it's either true or not true. Being a conspiracy theory doesn't automatically make it untrue, and there are factors that make mine eminently plausible.

Democrats founded the KKK, Biden and Hillary eulogized a senator who was a former grand cyclops in the KKK, one who filibustered for 17 hours straight against tge civil rights act, and the KKK openly supports republican politicians, especially Trump, despite the fact that they know full well they're politically radioactive, and despite the fact that Trump publicly and firmly denounced them and David Duke.
Epitomizing "it's okay when WE do it" in politics
2 ups, 1w
Since I know for a solid fact I didn't violate any ToS, I think I have a right to be perturbed.

Unless there's been a recent change to the ToS saying right-leaning individuals aren't allowed to comment on posts in PoliticsTOO?
Epitomizing "it's okay when WE do it" in politics
7 ups, 2w
Yeah, the leftists do occasionally slip their crap memes into this stream, then practically break their own arm patting themselves on the back thinking "lol, I truly pwned those trumptards!"