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JakkFrost (991961)
Joined 2018-01-26
In between the lines there's a lot of obscurity, I'm not inclined to resign to maturity.
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'Liberal double-think' The Card Game! Collect the whole set! Swap, trade, show em' to your friends! in politics
1 up, 2w
Of course not, PP has a monthly abortion quota each branch has to fill, according to a former PP board member.

Rather than tell women about those stats, they gaslight women into *having* the abortions.
Who gets it? in f_u_n_n_y
0 ups, 2w
"A Partridge in a pear tree."

That person in the pear tree is a member of The Partridge Family from the eponymous TV show.
Ding! in fun
1 up, 3w
Hey, that tire is mostly full, it's only flat on the bottom!
The left can't meme...or comment in politics
6 ups, 2mo
Leftists self-identifying as liberal is about as valid as Dylan Mullaney self-identifying as a woman.
A Great Job they don't want to lose in politics
0 ups, 2mo
Not to mention the fact that democracy is the last thing they want. Democracy is "the will of the majority", and they actually push for the will of the staggering minority.

Plus, democracy means that the majority could conceivably vote to make slavery legal again. Then what would they say?