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BruticusCreations (28480)
Joined 2021-09-28
An Oceanist, trained pilot, 3D Printer/3D modelling expert, and a Utopian Virtuoiso, Democrat-aligned, and a Liberal.
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Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 3w
Did you miss everything other than the fact that he was rolling his eyes?
NGL your eyes might be rolled so far back you can't see shit

You sound like a bloody pokemon for god's sake
Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 3w
Did you miss the part where Trump and JD kept interrupting him and guilt tripping him and throwing the fact that his people and soldiers are dying in his face?
He was invited to speak
So let him SPEAK
Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 3w
I actually did
Zelensky's Ambassador's Response in politics
0 ups, 3w
Before you downvote HEAR ME OUT
The last time they had peace was crimea
And russia broke that ceasefire in a while
What makes you think they won't just take time to regroup and then break the ceasefire again?
What is trump willing to give to ensure the peace? Peacekeeping troops? I dont think so!

The last time this happened was when Germany invaded poland
Nobody gave a damn because they all thought germany would just leave it at that
In the name of "stopping world war 2" they threw poland to the dogs
But Germany didnt stop there did they?

"If the death of Ukraine can ensure peace for the world, I will be the first to applaud you."
"But if it does not,"
"May god help your souls"
Untitled Image in politics
1 up, 3w
It was trump who threw the tantrum
Zelensky simply asked a valid question WITHOUT ONCE RAISING HIS VOICE
They ganged up on him
Cowardly bullies
If you want to fight fight like a real man one on one