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boredmeme (1359729)
Joined 2015-11-19
Um, it's about time I put in a tagline.
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The department of education is an indoctrination machine in politics
5 ups, 16h
Sometimes things are so broken, you can't fix them. You have to tear it down so you can rebuild it from scratch.
Untitled Image in politics
2 ups, 2w
It's also okay to be whatever ethnicity, live in a diverse neighborhood, and be multilingual (although, if you live in the USA, English should be one of those languages).
The cure in politics
6 ups, 2w
Right. I was literally going to say (some version of) the same thing.
Untitled Image in politics
1 up, 2w
I think he's refering to the "A.I. Governance Infrastructure". Believing that's a (current) possibility would be a conspiracy theory because (unless we're being lied to) A.I. is not at a level capabilty yet.
and let's be real, the blip is more like 5%, because most people aren't doing it in politics
1 up, 2w
I accidentally participated in the boycott because I was broke after paying rent.