Once upon a time, when America was great, when America was free, we used to teach our children to develop character. Character is a trait that has to be built by adversity. The more adversity a person went through the more character that person developed.
Character came in very handy if someone wanted to offend you. They could say whatever they wanted right to your face and you could easily just walk away without caring in the slightest.
Then one day and new idea infested the land. The bad back racist man with a huge beard and the name, Marx, strode into town. People immediately reject his false promises. But then Marx died and just when that happened some college nutjob read the lunatic ravings of Marx and actually, without give it any thought whatsoever, believed it hook, line and sinker.
Next think you know other intellectually inferior college professors all started believing the nonsense.
And from there the stupidity began to spread. And now here we are with half of America wanting to enslave, censor and incarcerate the other have who actually use their brains and easily see that there are only 2 genders.