Tolerance is not advocating special treatments, that much I agree.
But tolerance is also not advocating special protections against these people.
This is where we disagree.
Being allowed to sue people for not using the right pronouns is special treatment.
People wanting to use their pronouns, asking others to, and taking medications they choose, marry whom they choose, and civil rights expanding their protections to include lgbtq people are not special treatment.
Making laws to prevent that is discrimination, and that discrimination is intolerance.
You can name any leftist talking about the right to punch white nationalists, deny people free speech, exclude anyone who is conservative, white, male, cis-gender, or heterosexual from dormitories, forums, scholarships, grants, social media and I’ll tell you that yes, that is wrong.
But it doesn’t make any discriminations against anyone else who are not conservative, white, male, cis-gender, or heterosexual right.