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BedfordGuy (2786011)
Joined 2017-12-11
Victim of the worst injustice ever perpetrated by the snowflake Imgflip Politics mods.
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This was featured 5 years ago in "fun" stream and just now a mod unfeatured it because he decided it was too political. in politicsTOO
0 ups, 6h
made w/ Imgflip meme maker
And there was this one from 6 years back, also flagged for being political but I thought (and still think) that it was just a dumb pun.
This was featured 5 years ago in "fun" stream and just now a mod unfeatured it because he decided it was too political. in politicsTOO
0 ups, 6h
That's almost 3 months ago. And they're just now making a decision? Sounds maybe like some trolls are doing malicious flagging.
Trump and Zelensky in politics
1 up, 6h
Because rasslin' is actin'...😄