We never adopted but we did get the chance to have a niece live with us for a couple of years and then about 10 years later a nephew lived with us. So in a way we did get to sort of raise two children for a short time. We're both too old now to have children. Adoption was an something we talked about years ago but it was just too much and we weren't earning much money back then.
However, my wife and I love each other very much and have a great relationship with each other. We will have been married 32 years this November.
What really angers me is how Planned Parenthood sued the Federal Government when Trump cut off some of the money, OUR MONEY, that was going to support them. Why did they ever think they had the right to sue the government for that money. And on top of that, like you said, they were a butcher shop. They were selling baby parts for research. They are a non-profit group making a profit selling off pieces of babies that they butchered and some of those babies were still alive when they cutting them up.
I think of Thomas Jefferson's comment, "To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical." He meant it in opposition to a state religion but it applies to so much more than that and it is not out of context to apply it here. It is sinful and tyrannical for the government to force us to pay for something we so strongly stand in opposition to. That will now apply to state governments who make abortion legal. But I already know that California and New York are tyrannical with or without the legalization of infanticide.