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Hannibal_Lecher (1035225)
Joined 2021-09-30
I make sick and twisted jokes because I have a sick and twisted sense of humor. Any offense caused is purely incidental
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Mocking Spongebob in Metal_Memes
0 ups, 9h
That is troubling. His music I can see, but him personally doesn't make sense.
Mocking Spongebob in Metal_Memes
1 up, 12h
Hopefully they don't, but disliking the artist doesn't mean you can't still appreciate the art.
If we boycotted everything made with contributions from someone who wanted at least one group of people removed from the planet, we'd be living with neolithic technology on land whose indigenous inhabitants hadn't been enslaved, driven out, and/or exterminated.
Untitled Image in Metal_Memes
1 up, 1d
The Senate only called D Snyder in because they figured trashing him on the world stage would be a total slam dunk. Only problem is, the Senate was interviewing HIM, not his professional persona. He took their stupid asses to school. Hell, even John Denver sided with the artists. And yes, Tipper Gore is a soggy bag of used c*nt rags.

Fun Fact: Tipper and Al got divorced. D Snyder is still happily married. What was that about "filthy' music assaulting family values and promoting moral decay, you hypocritical shit stains? Another "inconvenient truth" for ol' Al to mull over in his autumn years.

Rock on!