The only point I'm proving is that you're a grown ass adult complaining about this like a child in school when given the tetanus shot.
This is not the first mandatory vaccine, you're actually proving my point, admitting that vaccines that you've been mandated when you were a child in size back then, as well as you are now in intellect, are as "ineffective" (by which I ironically mean effective, because, you know, I'm replying to your sarcasm with better and more reasoned sarcasm, you know, just to make sure you're, flash flash!!, keeping up with the yeyo, Flash Flash, yo-yo-ye-yo) as this one (you're even quoting me, like, can you own yourself even harder?), yet nobody was causing an international ruckus about being proud of following bro science, and thinking that being an skeptic for the heck of it makes you smarter like it's a charm, nor losing their minds over imagined medical fascism.
Vaccines achieves herd immunity when enough people have strong enough immune systems to resist the disease, drugs are only complements in certain cases where the immune response isn't strong enough, which is the only circumstances where the "lose weight" or "just don't be old" argument kind of has a lick of relevance in a vaccine discussion.
And natural defenses (yes, a vaccine gives you natural defenses by giving genetic information to your immune system without altering it..., I mean, if you knew half as what you hogs claim you know about genetics, this knowledge should be second "nature" to you, and you wouldn't be wasting your lives doing what basically amounts to a cyber-crime against non-cyber-public health.
BTW Joe Rogan got effing CLAPPED because luckily, you are all just a noisy minority who thinks an imaginary silent majority is secretly agreeing with them, when all you're doing is co-op their legitimate anger when it suits you, which is, surprise surprise, how fascism has always risen to power in times of crysis, only to worsen the crysis even more (USA almost a million deaths and counting, America Numero Uno)
Now writhe and cope.