WTF is wrong with you?
Do you want to argue which shade of blue the sky is?
In the link below Trump is named directly in 10 lawsuits.
Discounting all cases except those listed as either, "Trump" or, "GOP", I count 17.
That's not including the word, "republican" as in republican electors, republican committee's or donors.
Virtually all 50 are on the right, backed by Trump, Trump is appealing outcomes or has a stake in, in some form.
WTF difference does it make if Trump is making the lawsuit or the GOP in general, or Trump backers? It's all the same thing.
Trump is not going to be President come 12:01, Jan 20, 2021, regardless of how many suits he files or how many filed by any number of surrogates and I couldn't give a shit what name they are filed under. They all have the same outcome.