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BrandonBurough (19973)
Joined 2020-06-12
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Untitled Image in politics
4 ups, 2y
It's hard for me to take a grown man who pretends he's a viking,, seriously. You understand.
High on Hypocrisy in politics
1 up, 3y
Just like most MAGA idiots FEEL the election was rigged. But have no facts to back it up... smooooooooooooth brained take of the day.
High on Hypocrisy in politics
1 up, 3y
If Charlie is trying to make a point that we shound treat addiction like a medical crisis rather than a criminal one, then I'm totally on-board. But, something tells me he doesn't give a f**k about drug addiction and how to solve it. He's just feigning concern to make a point bout democrats. And conservatives wonder where the term REACTIONARY comes from. Lol.
Tuxedo Winnie The Pooh in atheist
1 up, 3y
Then, as a Christian, shouldn't you be keeping your community in check?
lady doing math in politicsTOO
0 ups, 3y
Kudos to you for think this small group is representative of the greater republican community.