Trump sent the Feds to Portland to help restore order. The Mayor, Democrats and Unhinged lefties said Trump threw gasoline on the fire.
2 Go ahead and post those articles of protests turning violent, looting, and clashing with police in both Phoenix and San Antonio It isn't Trump supporters, Republicans or Conservatives looting and burning, it's Democrats, unhinged lefties and the BLM looting and burning those cities. Your point is moot.
3 My statement didn't specify who said what. But that didn't stop you from spinning your narrative like you usually do.
4 You don't believe the CDC now, but you believed them when they were too lazy to count actual Covid related deaths.
4b Before Covid... Americans generally did not have zero health conditions. but when they died in a car accident the death certificate didn't say they died from the flu.
5 You don't have a point. Explain to me how a sexist hires women.
5b Next you'll be saying Nazis hired Jews and Racists hire black people.
6 I see unhinged lefties making memes based on events posted here that are either false or intentionally misleading. You never call them out, you don't argue for days. You limp away from those Memes and crawl onto Memes from conservatives with your typical lame excuses, and BS talking points.
6b You said you know nothing about the 17 year old shooter, but you're already using your used lame excuses to argue on a topic you know absolutely nothing about.
7 Obama imported Ebola. You liberals cheered, Trump wanted to ban travel from China, Lefties, the MSM, Liberals and unhinged lefties screamed "Trump is Xenophobic".
7b Trump blamed Obama and man did that come back to bite him in the butt so hard, Trump became President.
7c You don't ever have to try to spin anything, spinning comes naturally to you. That isn't an insult, that's a fact. Proof, You're already trying to spin your narrative on the 17 year old shooter you said you know nothing about.
7d, Show me a photo of the cities on fire during Trumps revolution to overthrow Obama. I'll wait.
8 You get nearly a daily insult quota here... And you can't figure out why.