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Skullford (367984)
Joined 2019-06-19
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What Year Is It in fun
1 up, 3w
Based on the slow cover song in the trailer it is 2014.
Ronald McDondald in fun
1 up, 3w
Fathead(documentary) destroys Supersize Me.
Freedom shouldn't be at the whims of the rich. in politics
1 up, 8mo
Just annoyed with freedom of consequences losers.
Even if you buy a house, paying mortgage to the bank makes you feel like you're living under a the rule of a landlord in politics
2 ups, 8mo
We get it. You are a Communist that wants everything handed to them, including housing. Fortunately our civilization isn't run on the whims of childish fantasy.

Ownership is the bedrock of freedom. If you can come up with a better solution to home ownership I'd love to hear it.
The kind of safe space we should actually be against. in politics
0 ups, 10mo
Did I say he was right on the previous issue you dolt? I'm for free speech everytime unlike you. Take your whataboutism to someone who it applies to next time.