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Skullford (372567)
Joined 2019-06-19
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Untitled Image in politics
1 up, 5mo
No the people who are so educated they cannot conceive reality are dumb shit.
Untitled Image in politics
1 up, 5mo
Sure certain idiots mention it every time I suggest a coddled and infantile populace is a bad thing. I believe its called whataboutism.
Confucius Says in politics
3 ups, 6mo
Systems where adherence to party ideology is more relevant to placement than competence.
Untitled Image in politics
3 ups, 6mo
Do useless and insecure people demand the government take care of every aspect of their life? Then it's socialism.

Things are what they are, not whatever the dictionary or educated insist they are.
What Year Is It in fun
1 up, 7mo
Based on the slow cover song in the trailer it is 2014.