No, we won't pay for abortions anymore. $350-$900.00.
But guess what? 75% of the women who GET abortions, are in poverty.
1. So..... guess who will pay for pre-natal care
2. Guess who will pay the delivery costs
3. Guess who will pay for formula, diapers, clothing
4. Guess who will pay for housing
5. Guess who will pay for education
6. Guess who will pay for the life long incarceration of an unloved, unwanted child a mother would rather have aborted, once they grow up go out and commit crime.
Yes, birth rates are down.
So are abortions! We're at the lowest level of abortion since they were made legal.
There is no issue between men and women. My wife makes more than I do, I have NO problem with that!
You are living in fantasy land if you think outlawing abortion will make people abstain. What are you, 5yrs old?
People will ALWAYS screw. ALWAYS!!!
People will always be irresponsible. ALWAYS!