"That first one is just capitalism."
That would be correct if you were talking about prices doubling or tripling over a long period of time. But the type of short term hyper inflation (you know, Joe Bribe-em style!) that we've endured under the Brandon administration, is far from normal for capitalism.
"Are you mad about capitalism?"
Mad as in angry? No. Mad as in 'crazy for'? Yes. But capitalism without freedom? Not interested. You have to have freedom as the basis for the form of govt because capitalism is supercharged by freedom.
Seems like you asked that just to get a triggered response. What's that called when people do that....? Oh well, not all that important. Sorry I couldn't oblige.
Why didn't you comment on the second panel?
Or the third? "crime rates skyrocket". That's just part of society, right? Nothing Joe Bribe-em can do about it. (<<<------ pls note the sarcasm)
So amazingly, your observation (for lack of being able to use more accurate words to describe it) only reinforces what the meme is saying. The left has their priorities all out of whack.
Instead of addressing all the other negative dem-caused problems pointed out by the meme, you attempted to deflect and mislead by asking that question. That's a tactic used by the left and definitely Joe Bribe-em. We both know it's called deflection.
But people are wise to it. When their wages don't keep up with Bidenflation, they know it. And they know it even if ol' Demented Joe keeps telling them things are getting better when they're not. He's pissing in our corn flakes and telling us it's raining milk. But not even dems believe him any more. That's how bad it's gotten. Because the good ol' dems, no matter how bad it may get, seem to get their collective panties all wadded up over statues. Priorities out of whack indeed.
As usual, the left just reacts without thinking through important issues like those pointed out in the meme. They react with child-like behavior; they destroy or deface statues, destroy buildings, etc. They're like little kids that want what they want and they want it now, and they don't care about anything else.