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CorporateLife2k (1687675)
Joined 2019-02-15
When did science fiction become the normal world?
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Joy Reid is out of a job. I propose a 1 minute flatulence to honor her memory... in politics
3 ups, 5d
A racist accusing everyone ELSE of being racist? Democrats never change. Can't wait for Dems to suggest they were the party that created the Emancipation Proclamation.
The Democrat wet dream known as USAID is about to dry up! in politics
0 ups, 3w
Does the world really need more gender confused baristas in Afghanistan? USAID certainly thinks so. Good riddance!
The latest outrage? Democrats pretending the last 4 years didn't happen to parents in politics
4 ups, 3w
Remember when Democrats called outraged parents
"domestic terrorists" because they didn't want whacko, activist, cross-dressing men, who didn't even have a teaching certificate in some cases, teach kindergarteners about their bedroom fetishes? Of course you don't! But we do! And we WON'T let you pretend to forget either!
Rational thought...... its a problem for today's modern Democrat voter. in politics
1 up, 4w
And these people REALLY think they can control the weather too?
Liberals know as much about history as they do about climate, reproduction, or biology. Absolutely nothing! in politics
7 ups, 4w
Liberals, you CANNOT scream Trump is a Nazi while SIMULTANEOUSLY screaming for the destruction of Isreal and for Jews to become extinct. You...... you really don't know what the Nazis did... do you? You just heard that word from your favorite crossdressing Tiktoker and ran with it, right? Oh my do you have a bit to learn!