"We could grab the statistic, sure, but it simply doesn’t exist yet."
Which is the same thing as saying you pulled that out of your rear end, right? But making up statistics that do not exist is perfectly in keeping with the whole make-believe theme you got going here.
The rest of what you said it just a bunch of circular reasoning that goes nowhere, which makes how you ended it all the more hilarious.
It is a mental disorder to *believe* you are something you are not. "Believe" vs "desire" pose a considerable difference in what is real and what is not.
However, as the saying generally goes, "Repeat a lie often enough, and loud enough, and people will believe it to be true." Keep up the "good" work.
p.s. "And it’s very reasonable to conclude that MOST, but not all, would be a victim of rape given the circumstances if one takes the time to think about it."
That is outright insane . . .
p.p.s. "Which is why I don’t condone discrimination if any kind."
It is not discrimination to tell someone the truth . . . You, however, clearly discriminate against the truth.
p.p.s.s. You might as well be Octavia- you think and sound very much the same . . .