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CentralNYGuy (188437)
Joined 2015-03-29
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Epistemology - How do you know what you know? Can your worldview account for that? in fun
2 ups, 2mo
Great, then you should be able to make quick work of demonstrating that universal negative claim with an argument. If you do, you'll be the first person in history to have done so. A universal negative can't be proven.
Sad........just sad in politics
2 ups, 4mo
Just think. This person was allowed to compete in the Olympics, under the guise that this is "talent" and/or a competitive "sport." 🤣
Yes, that's right "ladies." Do teach us Trump voters a lesson. It's going to be hard, but somehow we'll have to tough it out. in politics
2 ups, 4mo
Thanks, I think, but can you run this by me again, this time using coherent English.
Yes, that's right "ladies." Do teach us Trump voters a lesson. It's going to be hard, but somehow we'll have to tough it out. in politics
2 ups, 4mo
You cared enough to reply. So what you are saying is that your fallacy of choice is the Strawman?