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Serenity_Now (160907)
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The Party of "Unity", projecting who they are onto others. in politics
1 up, 5mo
This is why we can't have an adult conversation with liberals.

The whole point of this meme is that we don't care what liberals call us, the exact opposite of being a snowflake.

It's liberals that have Safe Spaces™ and have Trigger Words©, and try to cancel anyone that dares to say something they don't like.

And all because everything you believe, along with all of your solutions, are based on Feelz™ instead of reality and facts. Being unable to win a true debate in a public forum, it becomes necessary to censor and cancel. This is also the reason that the Democrat Apparatus has spent decades at perfecting the art of election fraud- they can't win most honest elections.
If you’re fascist and you know it ask for amnesty in politics
2 ups, 2y
I did disagree with the "decision" that their liberally programmed software bot made, and it was overturned and put back up in only a few hours, but it is beyond ridiculous.
Liberal Consistency 101: no conscience except when it's holding a transgender flag in politics
2 ups, 2y

You have no idea what you are talking about. I have not seen someone confuse so many different passages at one time, from whom the 144,000 actually are, to a prophecy that simply doesn't exist anywhere, but perhaps in movies (son of a jackal).

As I pointed out elsewhere, your sole purpose on this site is to either corrupt others' understanding of the Word of God, or expose them to sexual immorality. Your personal corruption makes you unable to rightly access the Word of God. If I had to guess, I would say you are likely demon possessed, but at the very least, demon influenced.

For the record, Jesus did not come to Earth to eliminate any of the Word of God, which at that point was limited to the OT, but rather He came to fulfill it, because no human being could do it themselves. At the moment a person repents and places their faith in the finished work of His life, death, and resurrection, they are freed from the dictates of the Law.

Jesus commended to NT to be written, and sent His Spirit to work through the apostles to complete it. In it, we find that being freed from the Law does not mean we can live however we want. All but one of the 10 Commandments are reiterated in one form or another, making it clear that the moral code is repeated, and expounded upon.

You will never be able to understand anything of the Scriptures, and wherever you got your teaching from is a tragic joke.