Prior to the covid vaccine, only a small percentage of those who caught it even ended up hospitalized. But we are frequently hearing about how many of the vaccinated are still getting hospitalized. They claim that it lessens severity, but use your own go***mned observations. It is not effective enough to justify infringing on our medical autonomy.
Covid was never this great looming threat. The survival rate is well over 99%, yet the media just hyped it up like it's the greatest threat ever. It's not as bad as polio, smallpox, or even the measles. Forcing vaccinations onto everyone regardless of thier will is not justified.
They are genuinely talking about mandating the violation of our individual medical autonomy, for something that doesn't work very well against a threat that was never great. And I'm not saying people shouldn't take the vaccine. I took it back in March (Johnson & Johnson) but that was MY CHOICE. But I cant help but think that a minor, almost non-threat, is being manipulated to justify further and further government intrusion into our personal lives and decisions.