Sure. "Police Reform for Black Communities"? "Black Communities Against Violet Crime"? Again, you're correct but are only speaking from one side of the issue. Half of those wound up by this issue paint all Police-involved shootings as racist and unjustified while the other half at least seem to acknowledge that not all officers need to be in their uniform; that they're unfit. There are various nuances and I'll not be able to detail them in a sentence or two but what I will point out is that slogans like "I can't breathe" and "Hands up, don't shoot" are not helpful when seeking justice for legitimate cases of Police brutality or malfeasance... because those slogans are based on a lie. One should argue with facts or you one will diminish/bias what they're fighting for.
If you feel strongly about All Cities/Holidays/Diseases/Flavors of Skittles Matter(ing), it is incumbent upon you say something. However, we both know that there are already people taking umbrage with Christmas being vilified and/or breast cancer seemingly being the only variety that businesses and sporting events grind to a halt for. Also, Memorial Day has always been about ALL lives (lost)… except that it's only observed only once a year for the multiple thousands that fought (and died) for the sovereignty/interests of our nation and it's third of a billion citizens. What I do know, however, is that if someone screamed All Lives Matter during a Memorial Day parade wouldn't get that person killed... the same cannot be said about a Black Lives Matter... umm... parade.
Again, this is a distinction between how the BLM slogan is used and what it's mutated into implying, for some... as an umbrella excuse to justify bad behavior - criminal behavior, in some cases - because of one's skin color. I'm not a fan of anyone of any level of pigmentation thinking that they are above the law... since America, the constitutional republic that it is, cannot survive long if enough people behave poorly at the expense of the person to their left/right. If you would like, I'd be happy to have a conversation about criminal/demographic statistics with you, at length and in-detail, citing every source. We can also talk about the police shooting statistics and break down each event - something that is needed as every situation is different - to fully examine them and determine if the shooting was justified... much in same way that a judge has done/will do for each of them.