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The more they push the vaccines, the more I am sure I will not get one.

The more they push the vaccines, the more I am sure I will not get one. | THE GOVERNMENT IS OFFERING YOU FREE STUFF IF YOU GET THE VACCINE; REMEMBER, THERE IS FREE CHEESE IN THE MOUSETRAP AS WELL. | image tagged in memes,laughing leo | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
5,067 views 105 upvotes Made by Perspicacity 4 years ago in politics
Laughing Leo memeCaption this Meme
2 ups, 4y
made w/ Imgflip meme maker
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What happened to "My body, my choice?" Huh? Huh??
3 ups, 4y
NPC Meme | IF YOU DON'T GET THE FAUCI OUCHIE YOU COULD KILL SOMEONE EVERY ABORTION KILLS SOMEONE | image tagged in npc meme | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
2 ups, 4y
Black Girl Wat Meme | AND WE SHOULD CARE WHY? | image tagged in memes,black girl wat | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
3 ups, 4y,
3 replies
Covid pro-vaxxors,dems, leftists, and twitheads - you all drink a cup of hot steaming diarrhea and I'll get the shot!
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
I would be very careful with an ultimatum like that! You know there are plenty of self-hating white liberals that would do that just because they think it would be fun.

This is an interesting read:
0 ups, 4y
Yes, Needles are so fun
1 up, 4y
No thanks, I've gotten the shot.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
More lethal and infectious variants are coming. Get F*cked you anti-science muppet.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
And how effective do you think your vaccine is going to be if the virus mutates into a "more lethal and infectious variant"?
1 up, 4y,
7 replies
well so far the best vaccines range from about 80-90% effective against the variants coming out of India and Brazil (in constrast to high 90s for the original sars sov2). It's likely that the efficacy will become less over time as more and more virulent strains arise from the unvaccinated population and spread farther and farther. The less the participation in the mass vaccination campaign, the less the vaccines are effective. The more idiots like you who don't get vaccinated, the easier it is for new variants to spread and the less effective the vaccinations become. Selfish, stupid bastards such as yourself literally cause everyone to be worse off. Clearly you know absolutely nothing about epidemiology.
2 ups, 4y
So you are blaming the rise of new strains of Covid on people that don't get vaccinated? Now that is a mound of bullshit too big to swallow. Wouldn't be so sure if you know as much about epidemiology as you think.

First of all, I already came down with Covid last year, and I recovered from it. This has been the case for A LOT of people. People who already got Covid and survived are immune to it don't need a vaccine. The purpose of a vaccine is to replicate the effect of having had the disease and being immune to it. So regardless, people who already had Covid or who have been vaccinated will not be hosts spreading around new strains.

Second, people who come down with Covid quarantine for two weeks anyway. Everyone who is even SUSPECTED of having Covid gets quarantined. People are still wearing masks and social distancing. That still isn't good enough for you? It's kind of hard for these new strains to spread when all these other steps are being taken to mitigate it.

Now here's a wild idea. If the "best" vaccines are only 80-90% effective, that means what... people are sick only 10% as long or as severely? Or 10% of the people who got vaccinated get sick anyway? It is very possible that the vaccinations themselves are accelerating mutation. If 10% of the vaccinated population still come down with Covid, that means they could be spreading around a virus for which the vaccine was ineffective. This is a basic principle of evolution.

In regards to what I originally posted, and your reply, it sounds like new strains will be coming out, and you will need more and more vaccines to counter them. How many strange chemicals should we be mandated to inject into our bodies??

The fact is, by time safe and effective vaccines are developed and PROPERLY TESTED, the new strains they were supposed to combat would have already swept their way through most of the world. This has already been the case for the original Covid strain, and it will continually be how events unfold for future strains.

So no thanks, I'll pass. I'd rather take my chances with the disease itself and its 99.99% survival rate, rather than take my chances with heavy metals, preservatives, stuff that modifies my mRNA, and otherwise agitates and weakens my immune system in the long run. The only people who are getting f**ked are the sheeple who keep injecting the Kool-aid and don't even question the logic behind it, or the motives of their government.
1 up, 4y,
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80-90% effective against a disease that has a 99% survivability.
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It has a 2% lethality rate and for older folks it is 20x more lethal than the flu. The variants are probably only gonna get more transmissible. Keep falling those gums, dumbly.
0 ups, 4y
Flapping those gums**
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1 reply
I don't think you know how to math in the US. Sure - that's global numbers - that include third world countries where covid wipes out people already medically challenged.

At 7.9 Billion people - we are only at 173 Million cases. Which means that is has only infected 0.022% of the population. So 99.978% of the planets population hasn't even caught it.

Wow - such a super spreader. Of those unfortunate 0.022% of the population, 98% of them survive. And yes, two percent of people who have caught it so far die from it.

Oh no... A virus that has affected less than a percent of a percent of the population kills 2% of those that get it.

Get a life, it isn't as bad as everyone thinks. The science of MATH proves my statement.
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2 replies
Yeah that whole world hasn't had it because there was considerable effort expended to slow its spread. Also the number of people infected has nothing to do with the fatality rate. The reason that vaccination campaigns are important is to keep the number of cases from going up so that the virus does not get a larger pool of people to infect and therefore a greater opportunity to produce more virulent and more vaccine resistant mutants. It's funny that you're telling me I'm not good at math when you aren't even computing anything relevant.
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2 replies
The thing is that covid at this point is past the point where it can be totally eradicated and may well become another global issue like the cold or the flu. The point of mass vaccination campaigns and lockdowns was to prevent this scenario from occurring in the first place because all of humanity was naive to the disease.
1 up, 4y,
2 replies
Nope, not a smug racist. It's not racist to say something started in a lab in china. Congratulations on being an idiot pussface.
0 ups, 4y
A leftist can't go 20 minutes without accusing someone of racism. Pay no mind. This f**ker would claim holding Japan to account for Pearl Harbor in 1941 would be racist.
0 ups, 4y
It is when when the Wuhan lab wasn't even working with those viruses. If you were less scientifically illiterate, this would be a more difficult argument.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Well not all of humanity was naive to the disease. Lots of people were very keen on its origination and were branded racists and xenophobes for it.
0 ups, 4y
Naive to a disease means not having previously had been infected with it and therefore having no latent immunity (antibody producing memory cells which produce antibodies for the disease). There has been no proof of the origination of the disease from any laboratory. Moreover it was only US labs researching it. Anyone presupposing to know its origin and claiming it was the work of china is engaging in racism and xenophobia. Congrats on being a smug racist dumby.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
I'm computing deaths of people... People matter to me. Sorry people don't matter to you.

But I'm not anti vaxxer. I believe in choice of vaccination. For those who think they need it - get it. For those who don't - let the virus sort them out, me included.
0 ups, 4y,
3 replies
Their refusal to get vaccinated--which is a choice made from ignorance--endangers everyone. That's like saying I don't drive drink but I support the right of others to do so.
0 ups, 4y
Incorrect, bud. Wearing a seatbelt or not applies only to the safety of the driver. Driving drunk endangers others. My analogy is correct.
0 ups, 4y
Lmao, no it isn't. That's a false relational attempt there Pedro.

It's like saying if you want to wear your seatbelt, go ahead and wear it. If I (or others) don't want to wear it, it's on me(them) if I(we) get ejected from the car in some sort of fast unexpected stop.

Before you say ohh but that could hurt someone else blah blah blah ok, insert wimpy words you will say.... The other people in that situation, know that some people don't wear their seatbelt and take the risk of that when they choose to drive.

If you're afraid of the virus - go get a vaccine. If you're not afraid of it, don't.
0 ups, 4y
Haha how ironic would it be if Graeystone personally infects you. Seeing how you laughed about his possible death.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
"Clearly you know absolutely nothing about epidemiology."

LOL! And you do? What's a brilliant epidemiologist like yourself doing trolling a meme website?

The alleged success rate of the vaccines has amounted to providing a 0.84% advantage vs. straight up natural immunity. In other words, statistically nothing.

AND, the number of Covid deaths is dramatically exaggerated, given that they abused the process of the PCR testing- so says the (now deceased) man that invented the test.
1 up, 4y,
2 replies
Yeah I'm literally a biochemist. I have done tons of PCR tests. Lmaoooo
1 up, 4y,
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Also that's not an accurate representation of the protection of the vaccine. It prevents detectable infections and reduced the severity of cases. You are either deliberately confusing the efficacy stats or you're so ignorant you don't understand how to interpret them.
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1 reply
"What's a brilliant epidemiologist like yourself doing trolling a meme website?"
0 ups, 4y,
4 replies
Perhaps you will take the word of a doctor instead of a scientist
0 ups, 4y
Your link is outdated, or cannot be reached because of a zone issue.

But while we're talking about doctors . . .
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2 replies
MY doctor is a Nobel Prize winner:
1 up, 4y
Dude I have done at least a hundred pcrs in my life. How many of you done? How would you even know where to begin and evaluating evidence Eric claims about PCR?

Also the commentary of that man is being egregiously misrepresented by no nothing goombas like you.
1 up, 4y
*know nothing
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
My doctors are better than your doctors. And in this instance, much cuter too.

I am not going to track all of her great videos down on the subject as the titles of each of them should be enough to help a famous epidemiologist like yourself figure it out.

Being a liberal, you are unable to see the obvious. In the case of this plandemic, I knew that everything about it was wrong based on who the players were that were pushing the fear and nonsense "science". 50+ years of accumulated knowledge told me all I needed to know about the uselessness of masks, even good ones (which most people did not use) at preventing the spread of infectious disease. A few new studies over the last year notwithstanding, it was idiotic from the start to believe otherwise, given that the masks being used by the public are simply physically incapable of preventing the spread of a virus.

But not that even that matters. Were we to take out all of the false positives morons like yourself created by misusing the PCR test, the numbers of deaths associated with Covid would drop by well more than half.

In one of Bailey's videos, she goes into great detail about the man who won the Nobel for inventing the PCR test. In that video, we hear from Kary Mullis's own mouth how useless this test is when run for more than 4-5 cycles, forget the 30-40 cycles that were used to "discover" a Covid infection. As Mullis states elsewhere, you can find just about anything you want when you run enough cycles.
1 up, 4y
Being an idiot you are of course unable to evaluate claims made by scientist and unable to parse science from pseudoscience. This is understandable, however you continue to Ponce about and pretend as if you are capable of making such determinations. I beg you to stop
0 ups, 4y
MY doctors are better than your doctors. This one from the John Hopkins School of Medicine:
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
"I have done tons of PCR tests."

How many cycles did you run them at?
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1 reply
It depends on how much DNA is present and how much you are trying to produce. Clearly you don't know shit about PCR tests. It is one of the foundational instruments in the biological and biochemical laboratory. I've been doing them for years before this coronavirus outbreak
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1 reply
I know what the inventor of the test had to say about its proper use. That you run the tests hardly means you run them properly. And since you are a liberal, there is no reason to believe you do run them properly, if anything you have said is true to begin with.

One wonders how a preeminent PCR test runner like yourself has any time left over in the day to play a liberal fool on the Internet.
1 up, 4y
Why would I respect your opinion at all? you have no idea what you're talking about.
1 up, 4y
0 ups, 4y
you really can’t downvote this guy, he’s just speaking confirmed facts, whether you’re anti vax or not
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1 reply
The more antivax f**ktards, the quicker the vaccines depreciate in protective value, necessitating boosters and prolonging this whole ordeal.
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2 replies
I'm not against vaccines - I'm against vaccines that do jack and squat when the virus is 99 percent survivable.

I'm against the RNA Modification vaccines. Astra Z is doing a vaccine right, doing it old school chicken eggs. But oddly, availability isn't here yet.

In fact Fauci said to Rueters ""My general feeling is that given the contractual relationships that we have with a number of companies, that we have enough vaccine to fulfill all of our needs without invoking AstraZeneca."

Weird how the only non RNA mod vaccine is getting the boot in the US.
1 up, 4y,
2 replies
People get flu vaccines for a much less dangerous virus. Keep on that reality denial tho, it's a good look.
0 ups, 4y
I've never gotten a flu vaccine - I've only ever got the flu once, when I was in a relationship with a ER registered nurse, who brought it home.
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2 replies
43 years - 1 flu case in my life.
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1 reply
Anecdotes aren't evidence. They are NOT generalizable.
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Every super flu ever I can recall... Omg you better get this vaccine... Swine flu, bird flu, all of them I can recall, didn't get vaccines didn't get the random virus the news scares you about.

I get it, viruses are the Boogeyman to you & you're fragile from all the soy... I can understand why you need a vaccine.
1 up, 4y
again, anecdotes are not generalzible.
1 up, 4y
I'm sure your immune system is chock full of Bootstraps pulling themselves up and tiny gadsden flags. SOoOoOoOoOoOoOo ruggedly individualistic.
0 ups, 4y
You’re 43?
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2 replies
Exactly. Its not a vaccine. Its gene therapy and it replicates the dangerous part of the virus so its like having covid without getting infected.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
1 It's not gene therapy at all.
2 A regular vs cine would still do that.
3. It's not like having covid without getting infected, it's not gonna kill you and covid can or can cause lasting damage your organs.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Look up the definition of gene therapy. They literally put a virus in you that takes over your cells and produces the most deadly part of the virus.
A regular vaccine works completely differently. They inject a weakened virus along with an adjuvent that triggers an immune response in the hopes your body will be fooled into attacking the weakened virus and build immunity.
The covid shots are more deadly than covid. Look at the numbers on the CDC website. Remember most doctors don't report vaccine issues to VAERS.
1 up, 4y,
4 replies
Yeah this is not gene therapy. The difference between this and a regular vaccine is that it injects the MRNA transcript instead of just the protein coat or a heat killed virus. The MRNA transcript is processed by the DICER complex and translated into the protein code protein which is then recognized by memory cells which learn to produce antibodies to it. Beyond the use of an mRNA transcript the actual mechanism for developing immunity is exactly the same: the body learning to produce antibodies to the protein coat proteins or Spike protein in this case.

The reason this is not gene therapy is because it does not cause any change to any germline cells. You picked the wrong person to argue with this about this is literally my educational subject.

Keep being wrong and feeling smug about it, though.
1 up, 4y
*protein coat protein, not protein code, dictation typo.
1 up, 4y
The reason that some people experience symptoms similar to echo of 19 infection is thought to be because of the toxicity of the spike protein. In the event of an actual serious infection with covid-19 the quantity of the spike protein produced by the virus in someone with a severe case would be much much higher than the amount produced by translating the mRNA. This would be far less damaging and produce far less severe side effects then being infected with the virus itself. Of course it is entirely possible that there are other elements of the virus which produce other issues when an infection occurs beyond the harm caused by the spike protein itself, but you don't know dick about biochemistry, molecular biology, or epidemiology, so I'm certainly wasting my breath here.
0 ups, 4y
I wonder how many times you Google something and then use a line like "this is literally my educational subject".
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1 reply
Which means they can sterilize a generation if they want to. If you can inject me and hack my body to do stuff you can inject me and do things I'm not expecting. Not saying that is what they are doing - but it's possible.
1 up, 4y,
4 replies
You are a numpty
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1 reply
Which is vegan for "yes, I can't argue that point"
1 up, 4y
The person you've been replying to has been stomping your s**t for several comments now, and you say that because they won't bother with inane whataboutism that they simply "can't argue the point"?

Make no mistake: nonsense is not worth debate.
0 ups, 4y,
3 replies
I see you logged into an alt account.
1 up, 4y
Heh, I see where your line of commentary is going:

1. "you must look up things to look smart"
2. "you're on an alt"

I'm gonna guess you're gonna press on that line until you've thoroughly rationalized that anyone that disagrees with you is faking it.
1 up, 4y
I don't have an alternate account. VictorLincolnPine is just enjoying you making a fool of yourself.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
You guys do know that I don't actually care about any of this.... I come here to be entertained. And entertain others.

There are quite a few people on here that follow my posts and understand this. It's for fun. I am role playing here...

Any response I get from you lady bois is comedy gold to me, because you actually care and I actually don't. You can't beat me at this game - because I am playing a completely different game than you.
0 ups, 4y
You seem to be awfully invested for someone who doesn't care.
0 ups, 4y,
7 replies
Have you ever been in a theater production ? Never break character....
1 up, 4y
Oh, wow, you actually found some enjoyment in that woman? You've got low standards.
1 up, 4y
Coffee spit... Nice response. Didn't see that coming - you get the 5 points on this one
0 ups, 4y
It's a thing. You're welcome for the entertainment. Like - do you cash app me or something now?
0 ups, 4y
Yours is a poor performance. Not worth the money.
0 ups, 4y
Not what your mum said lmao. Got em.
0 ups, 4y
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