So you are blaming the rise of new strains of Covid on people that don't get vaccinated? Now that is a mound of bullshit too big to swallow. Wouldn't be so sure if you know as much about epidemiology as you think.
First of all, I already came down with Covid last year, and I recovered from it. This has been the case for A LOT of people. People who already got Covid and survived are immune to it don't need a vaccine. The purpose of a vaccine is to replicate the effect of having had the disease and being immune to it. So regardless, people who already had Covid or who have been vaccinated will not be hosts spreading around new strains.
Second, people who come down with Covid quarantine for two weeks anyway. Everyone who is even SUSPECTED of having Covid gets quarantined. People are still wearing masks and social distancing. That still isn't good enough for you? It's kind of hard for these new strains to spread when all these other steps are being taken to mitigate it.
Now here's a wild idea. If the "best" vaccines are only 80-90% effective, that means what... people are sick only 10% as long or as severely? Or 10% of the people who got vaccinated get sick anyway? It is very possible that the vaccinations themselves are accelerating mutation. If 10% of the vaccinated population still come down with Covid, that means they could be spreading around a virus for which the vaccine was ineffective. This is a basic principle of evolution.
In regards to what I originally posted, and your reply, it sounds like new strains will be coming out, and you will need more and more vaccines to counter them. How many strange chemicals should we be mandated to inject into our bodies??
The fact is, by time safe and effective vaccines are developed and PROPERLY TESTED, the new strains they were supposed to combat would have already swept their way through most of the world. This has already been the case for the original Covid strain, and it will continually be how events unfold for future strains.
So no thanks, I'll pass. I'd rather take my chances with the disease itself and its 99.99% survival rate, rather than take my chances with heavy metals, preservatives, stuff that modifies my mRNA, and otherwise agitates and weakens my immune system in the long run. The only people who are getting f**ked are the sheeple who keep injecting the Kool-aid and don't even question the logic behind it, or the motives of their government.