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VictorLincolnPine (150330)
Joined 2021-05-21
Memes about whatever. Find me Twitter, I make art and rant about politics.
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capitalists know what capitalism is doing is wrong, but will always shunt it off to the nebulous concept of "corporatism" in politicsTOO
1 up, 2y
to emphasize and erase all doubts that would be used to play more technicality games


there is no distinction whatsoever. All definitions and actions that apply to corporatism are definitions deliberately shunted off from capitalism such that capitalism looks clean and pure as opposed to "that dirty corporatism".

It's like photoshopping your own face and wearing that as a mask so you can't be accused of your own crimes.
capitalists know what capitalism is doing is wrong, but will always shunt it off to the nebulous concept of "corporatism" in politicsTOO
1 up, 2y
"the organization of a society into industrial and professional corporations serving as organs of political representation and exercising control over persons and activities within their jurisdiction"

translation: "lobbying government powers and installing corporate interests as the sole guide of governmental policy"

It defines capitalism's actions as a whole but under another name. That's exactly what I am talking about to a T.

"corporatism" is nebulous such that it serves as a scapegoat for the abuses of capitalism. It does not have it's own definition. It's a straw dummy.
I kid you not. I saw this happen on the bus. in fun
0 ups, 2y
this was meant to go to another stream, not this one, but imgflip is incompetently built and submissions are permanent even if you misclick