"Fact-checking is good"
Even this has become an all too trigger happy term for the right. As is evidence by your big "BUT" as it follows...
"fact-check sites are ridiculous at this point"
Not, really? They've been pretty consistent. Their scoring system could use a little work and I believe has been updated a bit. The problem with fact-checking sites, if there is one, is that they try to condense the information down to whether the information is true or false. Sometimes it's much easier to break down outrageously false claims! But when people try to spread misinformation with sprinkling of truth, that's where fact-checkers have to also go back and separate what is true and what has been exaggerated.
"I’d trust the media before I’d trust them"
Except they tend to cite their sources and low and behold, most of their sources are credible news media that you are usually "skeptical" of and ironically trust more than them. Yet... they're just repeating to you a broken down (sometimes even in more non-biased) view of what media has actually reported instead of the garbage that's been corrupted through memes and clickbait.
If anything, memes and clickbait articles are the problem. Not fact-checking sites and Mainstream Media.
That just doesn't meme very well.
Especially on a meme site.
The real reason people don't like fact-checkers because they spoil the fun little fantasy world. It's all a joke! And that would be fine and dandy except there is just one little problem.
There are people who actually believe these memes and clickbait crap.
They tend to vote for yahoos like Majorie Taylor Greene, Josh Barnett, Lauren Boebert,
Mike Cargile, Erin Cruz, Ben Gibson, Alison Hayden, Tracy Lovvorn, KW Miller, Buzz Patterson,
Jo Rae Perkins, Nikka Piterman, Billy Prempeh, Theresa Raborn, Angela Stanton-King, Johnny Teague, Rob Weber, Lauren Witzke, Daniel Wood to name a few...
They give Republicans a bad name.
And this Republican voter will not stand for it.