Sure. And until we have arrived at that point in time, don't automatically assume that it WILL BE a "crappy standard of living." No sense in getting all upset about something that has not happened yet.
But it doesn't matter because as of tomorrow at noon I am leaving this site forever. I was only here since august and I simply wanted to make sure that tRUMPf was NOT re-elected. I have succeeded. Once Biden says "So help me God." I don't need this forum any longer.
Over the past 5 months, you tRUMPf supporters have truly demonstrated what is probably the lowest intelligence group I have ever encountered in my life. As a collective whole, you really have a lower average IQ than most prison populations. The lies and deceit and hoaxes and disinformation that you all absorb, believe, regurgitate, and spread in the name of hate and division is beyond anything I ever could have imagined...even in the world of fiction. I really wish I was around 75 to 100 years from now to see how people and history view this past administration.
I hope you all find some humanity.
toenail out.