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You are an American!

2,537 views 78 upvotes Made by thenukeman123 5 years ago in politics
11 ups, 5y,
1 reply
I am an Englishman, and I agree with Tucker. You guys have nothing to be ashamed of. The only ones who should be ashamed are the brainwashed libturds that are violently attacking western culture.
7 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Nobody is saying that.
6 ups, 5y,
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I love everyone. Calling people names like "libturd" does not mean I hate them. If I am a fake Christian, at least I am not a satanist like you. Fake Christians are the ones that do not respect Christian traditions. All denominations of Protestantism are heretical. The Second Vatican Council of the Roman Catholic Church is also heretical. I am a Traditional Christian. I attend a Traditional Roman Catholic group called "The Society of Saint Pius the Tenth" (SSPX), which practices the traditional Latin mass. I also support the Orthodox Churches, Eastern Catholic Churches, and any other groups that respect Christian tradition. The main reason I attend mass a Traditional Roman Catholic group is because I am more familiar with the Latin mass and other Catholic traditions. And the main reason I attend mass at the SSPX is because they are the largest Traditional Roman Catholic group.
2 ups, 5y,
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Because they do not respect Christian tradition.
2 ups, 5y,
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Matthew 5:17-18

17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.

18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

The Law of Moses was given to point people's minds forward to Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah-to-come. Once he did come, the Law's purpose was fulfilled, and it became obsolete. It was not destroyed, but superseded by a higher law, the law of the Gospel.
0 ups, 5y
Um, hate to interrupt, but what exactly does religion have to do with a person's character? I myself am agnostic, which means I do not believe in a deity of any sort unless proven by science and logic otherwise.

Christianity, along with many other religions, branches into many different forms, and the reason for this is that sacred religious documents such as the Old and New Testaments (Christianity), the Torah (Judaism), the Quran (Islam), the Holy Bible (Christianity/Judaism) and other such texts. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, is a "fake" in the eyes of religion. Everyone has a right to their own beliefs, not just one strict version of it.

Christianity is a religion with similar ideas to Judaism with a historical figure known as Jesus of Nazareth, more commonly known as Jesus Christ, as the messiah, or savior. He was put on a cross by the Roman government, fearing his growing influence. According to the New Testament, a few days after his death, he came back from the dead, and so he was reborn into a deity of worship, along with his father, God, although his biological father was Saint Joseph, husband of Jesus' biological mother the Virgin Mary.

Protestantism is a form of Christianity originally started by an Augustinian monk named Martin Luther. Displeased with the Catholic Church's use of indulgences (saving from sins sold by the Church at the time) for financial gain (similar to modern-day televangelists). Thus, Martin Luther wrote The Ninety-Five Theses, a document consisting of ninety-five reasons why indulgences, among other things, were a manipulation of faith by the Church. Martin Luther began preaching these ideas, and so a religion was born.
0 ups, 5y
Catholics and protestants christians usually don’t like each other or want to be called by the others groups name lol in old towns you’ll notice they built on separate ends, their bickering is just a less violent in modern times lol
1 up, 5y,
1 reply
At least “libturd” isn’t even a real word word. One could take offense being called either name.
1 up, 5y,
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1 up, 5y,
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Didn’t say it wasn’t an insult.
1 up, 5y,
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All I’m saying is the door swings both ways. It’s the reason I don’t support either party.
1 up, 5y,
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I thought we’re were talking about Christians, not political parties.
1 up, 5y
In that case, that’s also why I am an agnostic theist.

But religion and politics appear to be getting tied together so frequently lately. I’ll try not to get off topic next time.
0 ups, 5y
In case you were trying to imply that "dotard" isn't a real word...
6 ups, 5y
But remember the Republican Party has been infiltrated by Marxists for years, seek out and elect true Republicans. RINOs are Marxists.
4 ups, 5y
Excellent work homie!!! =)
3 ups, 5y
4 ups, 5y,
2 replies
A very short and incomplete list of things America has done that definitely weren't cash money:

1. Slavery
2. Jim Crow
3. The Vietnam War
4. Iran-Contra & other underhanded and unnecessary operations during Cold War
5. The Iraq War
6. Overstaying our welcome in Afghanistan long after OBL was killed
7. Withdrawing from Paris Agreement and other climate change efforts

We have done good things as well, many of which are mirror images of the above:

1. Ended slavery
2. Ended Jim Crow
3. Helped bring WWI to an end; in WWII defeated the Nazis (with assistance from allies) and stopped the Japanese Empire; defended South Korea in the Korean War
4. Stood up to the USSR in defense of freedom
5. Opposed Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War; later opposed ISIS
6. Dismantled Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and around the world
7. Made some greenhouse gas reductions and invested in green tech (though not enough I would say)

It is possible to discuss our history frankly without a reductionist patriotic vs. unpatriotic mindset. In fact, it's exactly what we need to do in order to make good decisions for the future.
1 up, 5y
1 up, 5y
Exactly what I was thinking.

America is strong enough to take criticism and learn from it.
1 up, 5y
Yeah, we really want a one party system. Do a little history research to see how well that has worked out.
0 ups, 5y
Agree with the first, disagree with the second.
0 ups, 5y
Don't more good for the world than all other countries combined in history is clearly nonsense. The US record in the last 50 years has been poor to disastrous.

I'd rather live in the US than Zimbabwe for example but that doesn't excuse the f**k ups the US has perpetrated in the last 200 years. Like all things, the US has done some good and done some bad but it does like to boast about what it does!
0 ups, 5y
Ur an idiot. Don't respond bitch
0 ups, 5y,
1 reply
And yet you are a complete idiot discriminating against Democrats because they oppose your political views. How's stupidity working out for ya?
1 up, 5y,
1 reply
Actually Quite Well! I got A Full Scholarship to college. Became A US ARMY Nuclear Biological Chemical Officer! I got a high paying job in the nuclear field. How is being a Democrat working out for you and your friends who blame Republicans for failures?
2 ups, 5y
Democrat? Nah. You get my political opinion wrong. I will side with whoever is doing right. In your case? You and almost every person on this stream (yes, INCLUDING the leftist side, like antithesis and others) blame the opposing side for their failures. I don't. I am willing to criticize ANYONE for their idiotic failures. Republicans like you blame Democrats for everything, and Democrats blame Republicans for everything. It is so damn immature. Me? I am willing to blame both Cuomo and Trump for extreme failures on their behalves. See? Facts overpower opinion. You demonize the opposing side (like Democrats do) because it helps you gain support and kick each other off the moral high ground. You shout at everyone to vote red. Democrats yell at everyone to vote blue. When I become of age, I will always vote purple.

You really don't get it do you? We NEED differing opinions in the House, Senate, Congress, Supreme Court, and everywhere else in our government. Can't just be one side, otherwise it would be unfair to the other side. So, your college scholarship and job in the nuclear field (which is impressive, don't get me wrong) is useless in this argument if you can't even see a point so obvious that a person who hasn't even graduated MIDDLE SCHOOL managed to point out. And that point? That we need diversity in our government, Republicans AND Democrats.

Also, removing every Democrat is damn impossible.
0 ups, 5y,
2 replies
"The United States has done more good for the world than all the other countries combined in history"

"all the other countries combined in history" is really, really not saying much. i can't think of any positive international activity any nation has done, including the united states. anti-interventionism is the way to go, but the military industrial complex wants money, so we're in isreal's beeswax. the united states is perfect for starting wars in places that israel wants cleared, like when israel withheld knowledge of susaddam hussein's (lack of) WMDs.

"yet main stream media and liberal democrats want you to think otherwise"

main stream media are the pro-war type that pretends to be on the peoples' side before tearing people like tulsi gabbard to the ground. there was this person on cnn who talked about how the united states is in saudi arabia to keep the opioid epidemic alive, and he was never invited on cnn again. tucker carlson did the good thing of letting gabbard speak her mind, and I think you've taken his message the wrong way here.

"remove every democrat"

lmfao one party system. cuck
2 ups, 5y,
4 replies
Democrats need to be replaced. Not calling for a one party system. Just a country without Democrats!
2 ups, 5y
Libertarians could replace them
2 ups, 5y
That’s the stupidest idea I ever heard. With one party, wether they are republican or democratic, nothing is going to go well. You have one party in congress passing bills for that one party, creating an uneven country. Republicans will pass what they want, and democracy’s will do the same. I’m not saying I’m allying with any party, but America runs on the conflicting views of the two party’s.
2 ups, 5y
1 up, 5y,
1 reply
aight. get the green party in. replace the republicans as well because they're essentially the same as democrats
1 up, 5y,
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Greens have 0 credibility since most do not embrace nuclear! They have new Generation Nuclear Power Plants that are a 1/10 the size of current plants. 1/3 the power and 1000 times safer. Wind and solar do not provide power 24/7 or peak power so they cost far more.
1 up, 5y,
2 replies
eyyy the person judging a political party for no credibility is single-handedly advocating for the very thing that caused chernobyl. imagine if that happened here.

"Wind and solar do not provide power"

the country of scotland has a surplus of electricity thanks to wind turbines.
2 ups, 5y,
2 replies
"Wind and solar do not provide power 24/7 or peak power so they cost far more."

Please, try not to bend words
1 up, 5y
New large scale solar is cheaper than new large scale coal. Storage systems are running around the globe.
1 up, 5y
0 ups, 5y
You can't run production heavy industry on varying power from wind and solar. Scotland overall over the long term has a surplus, but use base-load power stations to account for short-term dips.
2 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Two parties that play off and against each other is preferred but the current iteration of anti American propaganda brings into question the democrat’s motives.
1 up, 5y,
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"Two parties that play off and against each other is preferred"

is it?

"current iteration of anti American propaganda brings into question the democrat’s motives."

keep in mind that the democrats and republican party establishment share the same goals and aren't different in the slightest
1 up, 5y,
1 reply
No they don’t the Democrats have traded in American ideals for communism. They reject the founders and all America has stood for. They are once again seditious traitors. Anarchists such as yourself aside they took an oath to defend the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic, they don’t even try.
1 up, 5y,
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"Anarchists such as yourself"

lmfao where'd you get the """"""knowledge""""""" that i'm an anarchist? friggin reach

"No they don’t the Democrats have traded in American ideals"

we kinda live in a communist establishment if you think about it. communism requires businesses to be tax-subsidized. most large businesses in america are government-subsidized: the oil industry, the fast food industry, the automobile industry, & the airline industry to name a few
1 up, 5y
Yep corporate welfare is in need of reform as is public welfare and assistance. Of course you could claim anything done for the common good was some sort of communism, the difference is the level it infringes on personal freedom.
2 ups, 5y,
1 reply
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