Great Recession that was almost a depression, halting the procession of that was one thing, springing out wasn't expected any time soon, but 2012 does seem so forgotten ago.
Bush W, 2nd yr, you got a letter with a check for a whopping $250! YAYA.
Obama H, 2nd yr, you did NOT get a letter to announce a tax rebate of an avg $2500. Yes, $25o0 - that extra "0" wasn't a typo.
Reaganomics sprang then crashed bad - exacerbating the usual contraction. It cost George HW a 2nd term. We were exiting that recession near the end of his term, but like Obama, being a more modest man and growth not at glamming speed yet, unnoticed it went.
Bill/Hill, Republicans in disguise? Did everyone forget that? And yes, he did inherit GWH BUSH'S upswing in the economy, Reagan was gone, Savings & Loans Crisis and other wreckage under repair, tho not totally, as those deregulations, added to by Clintons's & then Bush W's nearly turned 2008 into a depression.
I live in the Bronx. I'm related to teachers. One of my best buds from HS that I stayed in contact long after college also worked for the Board of Ed, as well as a couple of other people in the building I used to live at across from MS 45... Granted, We didn't talk paychecks, but they weren't dirt poor. Main problem was unruly ghetto rat students.
You know who else taught in the Big Bad Boogie Down? The infamous 'Columbine Teacher' who lost her measly $64,000 p/yr gig after 10yrs. Not as much as they pay in Canada, but double what I thought they made here.
My cousin and a close family friend retired from theirs in their 50s with sweet pensions & bonus inducement to retire early.
Segregation was in comparison, and reminding of a lovely conservative policy.
Again, economy is 70% consumer driven. Before the Great Recession, folks were redoing kitchen every 2 yrs, buying, flipping houses, investing in Fla condos, etc. Did they all run out of money simultaneously? No, rumor spread that all these morons overspent on real estate and on the hot potato toxic assets derivatives pyramid scheme, and they decided soon to be maxed out credit card #8 was one too many, so they decided to stop paying and everything crashed. It didn't have to, but there was no Reagan to Trump to tell the brainless minions to keep throwing their borrowed money away pretending it was theirs and they were rich.
In other words, image vs reality goes a long way. Just ask cowboy Ron about Lebanon.